A rest proxy for controlling the waterfurnace through the symphony website
- Clone the repository
- Install the dependency packages
npm install
3. Copy config.json.example to config.json
cp config.json.example config.json
4. Edit config.json and fill in the appropriate values
5. Run the proxy
node waterfurnace-proxy.js
Configuration, status, and energy information is available through a GET request to /:
curl http://localhost:3001/
Parameters can be set through a GET request with query parameters to /:
curl http://localhost:3001/?heatingsp_write=72
Multiple parameters can be set in a single request:
curl http://localhost:3001/?heatingsp_write=72&coolingsp_write=76&activemode_write=1
See examples/openhab
for an example of openhab items and an http binding configuration to use the proxy