
HL7 v2.x Messaging Parser

Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT

Clojure HL7 Version 2.x Message Parser

Clojars Project

This library provides functions for parsing and manipulating HL7 version 2.x Messages.


To use these functions, first require it in your project.

(ns com.example.project
    [com.nervestaple.hl7-parser.parser :as parser]
    [com.nervestaple.hl7-parser.message :as message]))

The "parser" namespace contains functions for parsing and emitting HL7 version 2.x messages. The "message" namespace contains functions for pulling specific information out of a parsed message as well as manipulating messages.

In addition, the "dump" namespace has some functions for displaying a parsed message in a human-readable format. The "util" namespace has methods that may come in handy while your developing your HL7 solution. The "test" namespace contains functions to make testing easier, including a test HL7 message.

Parse A Message

In this example we have the text of an incoming HL7 version 2.x message in a var called "text-message" parsing it is as easy as...

(def parsed-message (parser/parse message))

The parsed message is a hash-map that contains all of the information contained in the message. It's not a lot of fun to look at.

{:delimiters {:field 124, :component 94, :subcomponent 38,
              :repeating 126, :escape 92}, 
 :segments [{:id "MSH", :fields [{:content "^~\\&"} 
            {:content ["AcmeHIS"]} {:content ["StJohn"]}
            {:content ["CATH"]} {:content["StJohn"]}...]}

The "message" namespace provides functions that make it easy to get the information you need out of this structure.

user> (message/get-field parsed-message "MSH" 10)
({:content ["1291058687937"]})

You probably just want the actual value and not the field from the parsed data structure.

user> (message/get-field-first-value parsed-message "MSH" 10)

Take a look at the source code, there are functions for retrieving whole segments, extracting text and changing the value of fields.

Creating an Acknowledgment Message

Generating acknowledgment messages is easy, we provide a function in the message namespace just for this purpose. Pass in the required options, your acknowledgment status and the parsed message that you are acknowledging.

(message/ack-message {:sending-app "MYAPP"
                      :sending-facility "TEST LAB"
                      :production-mode "P"
                      :version "2.3"
                      :text-message "Successfully received"}
                      "AA" parsed-message)

This function will return a parsed message containing the acknowledgment.

Creating a Message from Scratch

Creating new HL7 messages is easy. You'll need a set of delimiters, you can create these manually or retrieve them from a message you have already parsed.

user> (:delimiters parsed-message)
{:field 124, :component 94, :subcomponent 38, :repeating 126,
:escape 92}

Delimiters are stored by their character code in a hashmap. You can create a map if you need to setup your own.

user> {:field 124 :component 94 :subcomponent 38 repeating 126 escape 92}

We have functions for building up messages in the "message" namespace.

(create-message my-delimiters
  (create-segment "MSH"
      (create-field (parser/pr-delimiters my-delimiters))
      (create-field ["MYAPP"])
      (create-field ["TEST LAB"])
      (create-field ["19202830920"])))

That's not a real message or a complete MSH segment but you get the idea.

Emit a Message

Emitting a message is also pretty straightforward.

user> (parser/pr-message parsed-message)

You can also emit pieces of a message, like the delimiters or a segment or field. The field and segment methods require that you also pass in the delimiters for the message.

user> (parser/pr-segment my-delimiters pid-segment)

Dump a Message

Lastly we provide tools for displaying more detailed information about the structure and content of a parsed message. Provide a parsed message to the dump function to get detail on the segments and their data.

  Field:          |
  Component:      ^
  Repeating:      ~
  Escape:         \
  Subcomponent:   &

Segment ID: MSH
Index HL7 Index   Type        Content
----- ---------   ----------- -----------
   -        1     Atom         "|"
   0        2     Atom         "^~\&"
   1        3     Atom         "AcmeHIS"
   2        4     Atom         "StJohn"
   3        5     Atom         "CATH"
   4        6     Atom         "StJohn"
   5        7     Atom         "20061019172719"
   7        9     Component    1: "ORM", 2: "O01"
   8       10     Atom         "1676926150678"
   9       11     Atom         "P"
  10       12     Atom         "2.3"

Segment ID: PID
Index HL7 Index   Type        Content
----- ---------   ----------- -----------
   2        3     Atom         "20301"
   4        5     Component    1: "Durden", 2: "Tyler", 3: "", 4: "", 5: "Mr."
   6        7     Atom         "19700312"
   7        8     Atom         "M"
  10       11     Component    1: "88 Punchward Dr.", 2: "", 3: "Los Angeles", 4: "CA", 5: "11221", 6: "USA"


This project is managed with Leiningen, more information is available on the project website. If you're working on a pull request, the important thing is that you have it installed and on your path. With that out of the way, you can run the tests with Kaocha

$ lein kaocha

As long as the tests pass, you are on the right track. 😉

Future Plans

I am actively using this library in several projects and will continue to work on this code. If you have any suggestions or patches, please fork this project and send me a pull request. 🙂