
Live-code Sinatra project for reading album info from a CSV

Primary LanguageRuby

New Releases App

User Stories

As a user
I want to view a list of newly released albums
So that I can find new music

Acceptance Criteria:
- I see a list of newly released albums.
- I can click on the name of an album to be taken to that album's page.
As a user
I want to view a new album's information
So I can decide if I want to listen to it

Acceptance Criteria:
- I see the album's name, type, artist(s), popularity, and url.
As a user
I want to add a new album
So I can recommend it to others

Acceptance Criteria:
- I must provide a name and artist. If I don't, I receive an error message.
- I can also provide a popularity between 0 and 100 and a url.
- If I provide a popularity level that's not between 0 and 100, I receive an error message.

Problem decomposition

STEP 1 - Pick a user story or feature.

Let's start with viewing a list of new releases. What kind of page do we want? An albums index page.

STEP 2 - Start with the HTTP request and build out the parts of your app till your feature is complete.

What happens inside my app when I navigate to my "/albums" page? (Try it - you should get a "Sinatra doesn't know this ditty" message.)

  • First, I look for a block in my server.rb file that matches the GET /albums request. Let me write that first:

    # new_releases/server.rb
    require 'sinatra'
    get '/albums' do
  • Now, this get '/albums' block doesn't do much yet. Navigate to this page in the browser. What do I see? Nothing. What do I ultimately want to see? A list of albums.

  • What's the next step for me to show all the albums? You could start in two places:

    1. Create the index.erb view, or
    2. Create an @albums instance variable to pass to the index.erb view.
  • Let's start with adding the index.erb view.

    • Where should I put this view?
      • new_releases/views/index.erb vs.
      • new_releases/views/albums/index.erb
    • Now I have my view, I need to make sure it is rendered in the browser:
      # new_releases/server.rb
      require 'sinatra'
      get '/albums' do
        erb :'albums/index'
  • What's next? Displaying the albums. What do I need to do to do that?

    • Read in albums from the CSV and create an @albums instance variable in my get block
    • Iterate over that @albums instance variable in my index.erb file
  • Anything else? I need to link to each album's page.

Once complete, I can refactor! And then move on to the next user story.

Our third user story has some more complicated pieces.

  • First, I'd try to get the base case working: Let's assume that any input is OK.
  • Now, let's make sure that users can't submit an album without a name. Then, we can add a validation for description, and so forth until we've hit all of our validations.

Credit to Helen Hood for lesson text!