
playing in traffic

Primary LanguagePython

This is a project to simulate traffic, working name "Vroom"

__author__ = Katie Malone (cmmalone.158@gmail.com)

Instructions for running:
    $> python test_script.py

    test_script.py is my (KM) main working file for testing functionality
        of the methods as I go.  It will likely change a lot as we go.
        Current output gives some print statements as I instantiate one
        light and 2 cars (named 'stang and sexy blue audi).
        The sexy blue audi starts out behind the 'stang but has a higher
        velocity, so eventually it overtakes and becomes the front 
        obstacle on the road

    Classes and Methods:
        Obstacle (base class for cars and light)
            __init__(self, s, road, type, name="obstacle"):
            getS(self): # position along the road
            getType(self):  # currently either light or car
            getPos(self): # (x,y) coordinates along road
            getNearestObstacle(self):  # returns nearest obstacle
            Print(self): # prints name, s for obstacle and its nearest obstacle 
            __init__(self, s, road, color, name="light"):
            __init__(self, s, road, vel, name="car"):
            move(self, dt):
        Road (defined as x(s) and y(s), has obstacles on it, including a terminal obstacle)
            __init__(self, x_func, y_func, name="El Camino"):
            getPos(self, s): # S->(x,y)
            getObstacles(self):  # list of all obstacles on the road
            moveAll(self, dt): # moves all obstacles on a road, and re-orders them
            _addObstacle(self, obstacle): # can only add obstacles by instantiating them
            _orderObstacles(self):  # only order obstacles during moveAll
        TimeStepper (ticks off time increments for moving cars, etc.)