
LEMP development environment for Symfony projects. Debian, Nginx, MySQL, PHP 7.1, Node.js and Symfony are preconfigured in the Vagrantbox with Ansible.

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Build Status

This is a development environment for Symfony projects on a Debian based Vagrantbox.

Included components

Software Debian Jessie Debian Stretch Tested
Debian 8.9 9.2
Nginx 1.12.2 1.12.2
MySQL 5.5.58 𐄂
MariDB 𐄂 10.1.26
Redis 2.8.17 3.2.6
PHP 7.1 7.1
PHPUnit 6.4.3 6.4.3
Composer 1.5.2 1.5.2
Node.js 6.11.5 6.11.5
Symfony 3.3.10 3.3.10


  • Hypervisor
    • Virtualbox >= 5.1.30
    • Parallels >= 10
  • Vagrant = 1.9.7
  • Vagrant Plugins:
    • vagrant-hostmanager # necessary for host entries
    • vagrant-vbguest # recommended for virtualbox users
    • vagrant-winnfsd # only for Windows

Getting started

  1. git clone https://github.com/neikei/vagrant-debian-ansible-lemp.git
  2. cd vagrant-debian-ansible-lemp
  3. vagrant up --provider=virtualbox OR vagrant up --provider=parallels
  4. ... wait ...
  5. Check the initial webpage: http://lemp.test/

Default access

  • Default project: http://lemp.test/
  • Default web root: /vagrant/web
  • Symfony projects: http://example.lemp.test
  • Symfony web root: /vagrant/example
  • MySQL:
    • user: admin
    • password: changeme
    • root is allowed to access the database from localhost without a password
  • Redis:

Symfony Debugging

The app_dev.php file of your application has to allow the first IP of the configured network. In the config.yaml example you have to allow the IP '' in your app_dev.php to use http://example.lemp.test/app_dev.php for debugging.

if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])
    || isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])
    || !(in_array(@$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], ['', '::1', ''], true) || PHP_SAPI === 'cli-server')
) {
    header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden');
    exit('You are not allowed to access this file. Check '.basename(__FILE__).' for more information.');


xDebug is available on port 9000 from your local machine to debug your application with tools like PHPStorm.


Check the config.yml if you want to modify the following settings.

    os: "9.1"                       # Choose between 8.9 and 9.1 (change requires: vagrant destroy & vagrant up)
    private_ip: ""    # VM IP in your host-only-network
    vmname: "symfony-development"   # VM name for Virtualbox
    servername: "lemp.test"         # Servername and domain for your projects
    projectnames: ["foo","bar"]     # Comma-separated list with your projectnames
                                    # Generated URLs => foo.lemp.test and bar.lemp.test
    symfony_version: 3.3            # Symfony version like 3.3 or "lts"

Every servername or projectname change needs an update of your local hostfile.

vagrant hostmanager

Feedback, Issues and Pull-Requests

Feel free to report issues, fork this project and submit pull requests.


08 December 2017

  • Documentation improvements

30 November 2017

  • Updated Ansible version to

07 November 2017

  • Added php-apcu and php-memcache packages
  • Improved Ansible installation
  • Pinned Ansible version to

06 November 2017

  • Removed Varnish
  • Updated Debian to version 9.2

04 October 2017

  • Fixed Nginx vhost include configuration

06 September 2017

  • Changed Nginx installation source to the official repository
  • Fixed Nodejs installation

30 August 2017

  • Modifications for Debian Stretch
  • Improved xDebug configuration

08 August 2017

  • Modifications for Debian Stretch
  • Added os switcher to the config.yaml
  • Updated Readme.md

09 July 2017

  • xDebug configuration improvements
  • Added check of minimum Vagrant version

28 June 2017

  • Updated Debian to version 8.8

14 June 2017

  • Configurable symfony version
  • Improved service start after vagrant up

06 June 2017

  • Added basic xDebug configuration

02 June 2017

  • Improved service start and autostart
  • Updated Readme.md
  • Updated .gitignore
  • Added imagemagick

02 May 2017

  • Update local hostfile instead of re-build the whole box

31 March 2017

  • Documentation improvements

21 March 2017

  • Improved multi-project handling
  • Added Redis
  • Added Varnish

16 March 2017

  • Node.js installation improvements
  • Updated Nginx to version 1.10.3 from dotdeb

14 March 2017

  • Added hostmanger for local hostfile management
  • Improved PHP, Nginx and Nodejs installation
  • Added Symfony 3.2 compatibility

27 February 2017

  • Updated Debian to version 8.7

22 February 2017

  • Added PHPUnit
  • Added tests for the Vagrantbox
  • Added Travis CI builds

21 February 2017

  • Added nodejs

17 February 2017

  • Improved the PHP provisioning

16 February 2017

  • Changed PHP repository from dotdeb.org to sury.org
  • Updated PHP to version 7.1

14 February 2017

  • Initial Commit
  • Debian 8.6, Nginx, PHP 7.0, MySQL