Error 1 occurred building shared library
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Hello ! I'm interested in this project and I tried to run the UK.R script but i have some errors especially when i run this part:
packageStartupMessage("Attaching C++ code...")
sourceCpp(paste0(cm_path_, "/model_v1/corona.cpp"), rebuild = cm_force_rebuild_, cacheDir = cm_build_dir_, verbose = cm_build_verbose_)
sourceCpp(paste0(cm_path_, "/fit_v1/fit.cpp"), rebuild = cm_force_rebuild_, cacheDir = cm_build_dir_, verbose = cm_build_verbose_)
In fact this error appear
Error in sourceCpp(paste0(cm_path_, "/model_v1/corona.cpp"), rebuild = cm_force_rebuild_, : Error 1 occurred building shared library. Calls: source -> withVisible -> eval -> eval -> sourceCpp
Does anyone have already seen this problem before and know how it can be solved ?
Thanks a lot for your help !