
6.047 Final Project

Primary LanguagePostScript

6.047 Final Project

Proposal | Final Report

Useful links

  • User guide to MUSCLE with instructions on how to download. I used this to make the multiple alignments and phylogenetic trees.
  • This website is useful for visualizing the alignments (muscle just spits out another fasta).
  • Tools to make the phylogenetic trees: I used the Drawtree Java app.
  • Roadmap Epigenomics Project metadata

Non-Human Primates

Download from here. Bolded primates are infected by malaria.

Scientific name Common name
Aotus nancymaae Nancy Ma's night monkey
Aotus trivirgatus Night monkey
Callithrix jacchus Common marmoset
Cebus capuchinus imitator Capuchin monkey
Cercocebus atys Sooty mangabey
Chlorocebus aethiops Grivet
Galveopterus variegatus Malayan flying lemur
Gorilla Gorilla gorilla
Macaca fascularis Crab eating macaque
Macaca mulatta Rhesus macaque
Mandrillus leucophaeus Drill
Nomascus leucogenys Gibbon
Pan paniscus Bonobo
Pan troglodytes Chimpanzee
Papio anubis Baboon (olive)
Pilicolorbus tephrosceles Ugandan red colobus
Pongo alebii Orangutan
Rhinopithecus roxellana Golden snub-nosed monkey
Saimiri boliviensis Squirrel monkey
? Bushbaby
? Denisova
? Green Monkey
? Marmoset
? Proboscis monkey
? Tarsier