Joomla CMS Development Docker Setup

Docker Compose setup for Joomla with Joomla, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, & Composer Docker images.


The app folder will house the Joomla files. The docker folder will contain the docker compose file and code, config and data folders.

  • the code folder is intended for putting project files for component, module, plugin development.

  • cd to app/docker/ and run docker compose up -d to start the containers.

  • Joomla is running at localhost:8080

  • phpMyAdmin is running at localhost:8000

  • Configure mysqli support.

    Until coming up with a better approach follow next steps to setup mysqli support in container.

  • On first run after running docker-compose up -d in order to support mysqli run the next steps inside the apache php container in the cli.

  • docker-php-ext-install mysqli

  • docker-php-ext-enable mysqli

  • apachectl restart