Getting Started


You can use to edit the website. To add a blog post:

  1. Click the "Authorize on GitHub" power icon in the bottom-right corner
  2. Click on the _posts folder
  3. Click "New File" and write the blog post
  4. Click the "Meta Data" icon in the right sidebar
  5. Fill in the "Author" field
  6. Click the "Save" icon in the right sidebar
  7. Re-open the blog post
  8. Click "Unpublished" at the right end of the toolbar
  9. Click the "Save" icon in the right sidebar

Using GitHub

One-Time Setup

gem install bundler
git clone
git submodule update --init
cd theme
git checkout master

Then, edit .git/modules/theme/config in the directory, changing this line:

url =


url =

Make Changes

To add a blog post, create a file in the _posts folder with a name following the pattern YYYY-MM-DD-lowercase-hyphenated-title.html and with contents of:

layout: post
title: A descriptive title
author: The author's name

To edit the staff or board, edit the _data/staff.yml and _data/board.yml files.

To add a photo:

  1. Add the photo file to the theme/img/people directory. The filename must be the "slug" version of a person's name. A slug is the lowercase version of a name, with non-a-z characters replaced with hyphens -, with consecutive hyphens replaced with a single hyphen, and with leading and trailing hyphens removed. For example, the filename for "John Smith" is john-smith.jpg. For "John Q. Public Esq.", it's john-q-public-esq.jpg. For "Napoléon Bonaparte", it's napol-on-bonaparte.jpg. Note: You can simply inspect the HTML when previewing changes to see the expected filename.
  2. Comming the new file from the theme directory
  3. Run git push origin master from the theme directory
  4. Run git commit theme -m "Update theme" from the directory
  5. Run git push origin gh-pages from the directory

To change a photo:

  1. Replace the appropriate file in the theme/img/people directory
  2. Comming the updated file from the theme directory
  3. Run git push origin master from the theme directory
  4. Run git commit theme -m "Update theme" from the directory
  5. Run git push origin gh-pages from the directory

Preview Changes

Before committing your changes, always preview your changes. If not using, start a server with:

bundle exec jekyll serve -w

Then, open localhost:4000 in a browser. While the server is running, you can make changes to files, then refresh the page in the browser to see your changes immediately! Press Ctrl+C to stop the server.

Note: This command compiles HTML files into the _site directory. Do not edit those files. Your changes to those files will not be saved.

Note: If the server is running, you must issue commands in a different Terminal window. Typing commands in the Terminal window in which the server is running will have no effect.


These files should be identical in this repository and

  • .gitignore
  • .gitmodules
  • _config.yml
  • dir.ttl
  • Gemfile
  • Gemfile.lock

In other words, only these directories and files should differ:

  • _data/
  • _layouts/
  • _posts/
  • community/
  • communaute/
  • archive.html
  • atom.xml
  • index.html