Liquibase Migrations

Exemple using Liquibase with Maven and Docker


  • OpenJDK
## updating the package index
sudo apt update

## install the OpenJDK package
sudo apt install default-jdk

## verify the installation
java -version
  • Maven
## updating the package index
sudo apt update

## install the Maven package
sudo sudo apt install maven

## verify the installation
mvn -version
  • Docker
## updating the package index
sudo apt update

## install the Docker package
sudo apt install

## verify the installation
docker --version

## start Dcoker
sudo systemctl start docker

## automate docker (optional)
sudo systemctl enable docker
  • Docker Compose
## download the current stable release of Docker Compose
sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

## apply executable permissions to the binary
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

How to run

  • Builds and starts containers
docker-composer up -d
  • Create and configure
cp liquibase/ liquibase/
  • Update database
mvn -f liquibase liquibase:update
  • Create new changelog file
touch liquibase/changelogs/"$(date +"%Y%m%d%I%M%p")_<short_description>_.xml"
  • Rollback last change mvn -f liquibase liquibase:rollback -Dliquibase.rollbackCount=1

* Generate a ChangeLog from an Existing Database
```shell script
## generate file
mvn -f liquibase liquibase:generateChangeLog -Dliquibase.outputChangeLogFile=liquibase/changelogs/0_dump.xml
  • Generate a ChangeLog from an Existing Database With Data
## generate file with data
mvn -f liquibase liquibase:generateChangeLog -Dliquibase.outputChangeLogFile=liquibase/changelogs/0_dump.xml -Dliquibase.diffTypes=data
  • Mark all changes as executed in the database.
mvn -f liquibase liquibase:changelogSync -Dliquibase.changeLogFile=changelogs/0_dump.xml