The goal of this project is to predict whether the answer to a trivia question is correct or not (these are the same questions you classified in an earlier homework). The most important (and effective) route for success is to engineer features and gather additional data to help your predictions of the right answer.

About the Data

Quiz bowl is an academic competition between schools in English-speaking countries; hundreds of teams compete in dozens of tournaments each year. Quiz bowl is different from Jeopardy, a recent application area. While Jeopardy also uses signaling devices, these are only usable after a question is completed (interrupting Jeopardy's questions would make for bad television). Thus, Jeopardy is rapacious classification followed by a race---among those who know the answer---to punch a button first.

Here's an example of a quiz bowl question:

Expanding on a 1908 paper by Smoluchowski, he derived a formula for the intensity of scattered light in media fluctuating densities that reduces to Rayleigh's law for ideal gases in The Theory of the Opalescence of Homogenous Fluids and Liquid Mixtures near the Critical State. That research supported his theories of matter first developed when he calculated the diffusion constant in terms of fundamental parameters of the particles of a gas undergoing Brownian Motion. In that same year, 1905, he also published On a Heuristic Point of View Concerning the Production and Transformation of Light. That explication of the photoelectric effect won him 1921 Nobel in Physics. For ten points, name this German physicist best known for his theory of Relativity.

ANSWER: Albert Einstein

Two teams listen to the same question. Teams interrupt the question at any point by "buzzing in"; if the answer is correct, the team gets points and the next question is read. Otherwise, the team loses points and the other team can answer.

Why we want to use Quiz Bowl Data for Classification

It's very easy to generate guesses (in fact, we could generate every possible guess). The challenge is knowing whether any given guess is good or not. We can treat this as a classification problem. Every guess can be described by features that measure how well it matches the question. The classifier tells us whether we got the question wrong or right.

We will provide many different guesses for the question. Your job is to select (through classification or other means) which guess should be treated as the the final guess.

Data Format

Each line has a guess (page) and a correct answer (answer) given some fraction of the question revealed so far (text). Your goal is to predict whether they match. Each guess is the title of a Wikipedia page. To get you started, you have the following columns:

  • Question ID: An ID for the question.

  • Answer: The actual answer of the question (not always one of the guesses)

  • Sentence Position: The index of the last question seen. Smaller numbers are harder. Together with the Question ID, this forms a unique identifier for the instance.

  • Question Text: The text of the question. It has been normalized to make parsing easier.

  • QANTA Scores: Guesses generated by a deep learning algorithm

  • IR_Wiki Scores: Guesses generated by a information retreival search through Wikipedia.

  • category: The category of the question.

If you're using Python, make sure you use the DictReader and DictWriter classes. For both of the scores, you may find this code useful for forming a dictionary:

def form_dict(vals):
    d = defaultdict(float)
    for jj in vals.split(", "):
        key, val = jj.split(":")
        d[key.strip()] = float(val)
    return d

Data are available.

You are welcome to use any automatic method to choose an answer. It need not be among the sets provided by our two guessers. In addition to the data we provide, you are welcome to use any external data except quiz bowl questions to improve your methods. You are welcome (an encouraged) to use any publicly available software, but you may want to check on Piazza for suggestions as many tools are better (or easier to use) than others.


We will use Kaggle InClass for this competition. This will be a competition between students in the Colorado and Maryland graduate courses on natural language processing and computational linguistics. A large portion of your grade will be how you perform on this Kaggle competition. You must register with a UMD or Colorado address. Please identify which school you're associated with when you register.


The project proposal is due 7. November. This one page PDF document should describe:

  • Who is on your team

  • What techniques you will explore

  • Your timeline for completing the project (be realistic; you should have your first Kaggle submission by 14. November)

Designate one person from your group to submit the proposal on Moodle. Late days cannot be used on this assignment.

Final Presentation

The final presentation will be in class on Dec. 16 (at 13:30, not the usual class time). In the final presentation you will:

  • Explain what you did

  • Who did what

  • What challenges you had

  • Review how well you did (based on the Kaggle competition)

  • Provide an error analysis. An error analysis must contain examples from the development set that you get wrong. You should show those sentences and explain why (in terms of features or the model) they have the wrong answer. You should have been doing this all along as your derive new features (e.g., 2b), but this is your final inspection of your errors. The feature or model problems you discover should not be trivial features you could add easily. Instead, these should be features or models that are difficult to correct. An error analysis is not the same thing as simply presenting the error matrix, as it does not inspect any individual examples.

  • The linguistic motivation for your features. This is a computational linguistics class, so you should give precedence to features / techniques that we use in this class (e.g., syntax, morphology, part of speech, word sense, etc.). Given two features that work equally well and one that is linguistically motivated, we'll prefer the linguistically motivated one.

  • Presumably you did many different things; how did they each individually contribute to your final result?

Project Writeup

By 23:55 16. December, have the person in your group whose last name is alphabetically first submit their project writeup explaining what you did and what results you achieved on Moodle. This document should make it clear:

  • Why this is a good idea
  • What you did
  • Who did what
  • Whether your technique worked or not

Please do not go over 2500 words unless you have a really good reason. Images are a much better use of space than words, usually (there’s no limit on including images, but use judgement and be selective).


The grade will be out of 25 points, broken into five areas:

  • Presentation: For your oral presentation, do you highlight what you did and make people care? Did you use time well during the presentation?

  • Writeup: Does the writeup explain what you did in a way that is clear and effective?

  • Technical Soundness: Did you use the right tools for the job, and did you use them correctly? Were the relevant to this class?

  • Effort: Did you do what you say you would, and was it the right ammount of effort.

  • Performance: How did your techniques perform?cmsc723_final_project =====================