An example of how you can use Rollup with Opine and React in Deno.
This example uses ejs templates to create the HTML markup, serves static assets for styles, and performs server-side rendering of the React application. The application itself makes use of experimental Suspense for data-fetching which demonstrates "render-as-you-fetch", retrieving data from an API the server hosts.
The client and server assets are bundled using Rollup.
Install the Rollup CLI with:
deno install -f -q --allow-read --allow-write --allow-net --allow-env --unstable
And follow any suggestions to update your PATH
environment variable.
The client bundle can then be generated using:
rollup -c rollup.client.config.ts
And the server bundle can be generated using:
rollup -c rollup.server.config.ts
Finally the bundled application can be run using:
deno run --allow-net="" --allow-read="./" ./bin/mod.js
Check out the running application on http://localhost:3000! 🎉