This project is obsolete. It has been replaced by a desktop application version: digred
Copyright © 2019–2020, Christopher Alan Mosher, Shelton, Connecticut, USA,
Web application for editing Neo4j graphs.
The data model is defined in OGM.
Requires sticky sessions.
To download and import part of the IMDB dataset:
docker-compose -f load.docker-compose.yml pull
docker-compose -f load.docker-compose.yml up
docker-compose -f load.docker-compose.yml down
To run the server:
docker-compose pull
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
Use your browser to connect to http://localhost:8080
and log in as:
Username: neo4j
Password: demo
In another tab, go to http://localhost:7474
to use Neo4J browser:
CALL db.indexes();
and wait for both indexes to be ONLINE.
Back in the first browser tab, click on Movie
and search for a title.
To quit the server and keep the database:
docker-compose down
Or, to quit the server and remove the entire database:
docker-compose down -v