A NoSQL app that allows you to log your fitness milestones, and see your progress! This will keep track of your previous logs and graphically show all your hard work. Nice!
First, download the files from this repository, then open the terminal. Inside the folder, use 'npm init' to initialize npm package, then 'npm i' to install dependencies.
Enter your own information in the .env file, and add the seeder info to your database.
Your project is ready for use!
This application is invoked by entering 'node index.js' into the terminal. Then navigating to the localhost server specified in the app (Port 8989).
Alternatively, you can just click this link, to be brought to the deployed Heroku app.
Just choose what kind of workout you want to log, and enter how much you did. Then navigate to the "Dashboard" and view your progress so far!
This project was created by Christina Moss.
Email: christinalmoss@gmail.com