
Convert IP addresses to country names in R

Primary LanguageR


NOTE: Use newer, faster version of this package here: https://github.com/gitronald/IPtoCountry

Build Status

  • A fast function for converting IP addresses (IPv4) to the country names they're located in.

Default database is available by Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Interational license (CC-BY-SA 4.0).
This site or product includes IP2Location LITE data available from http://www.ip2location.com.

Getting Started


IP Addresses

Internet Protocol (IP) addresses serve as the feelers upon which the Internet is able to connect computers and servers across great distances and within complicated clusters. These IP addresses come in two forms, IPv4 and IPv6:

  • Example IPv4 address:
  • Example IPv6 address: 2001:0db8:0000:0042:0000:8a2e:0370:7334

IPv6 was built to overcome the eventual exhaustion of available IPv4 addresses, but that hasn't largely happened yet, so we'll just ignore them for now and focus on IPv4.

Determining the Location of IP Addresses

Step 1 - Split IP address into four octets
> IP_split("")
         [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
ip.split  180   20   23  162
Step 2 - Calculate IP Integer from Octets
  • Long way
> Octet1 = 180
> Octet2 = 20
> Octet3 = 23
> Octet4 = 162
> (Octet1 * 256^3) + (Octet2 * 256^2) + (Octet3 * 256^1) + (Octet4 * 256^0)
[1] 3021215650
  • Short way!
> IP_integer("")
[1] 3021215650
Step 3 - Lookup IP Integer in a Database
> IP_lookup(3021215650)
[1] "China"

IP_country - Convert IP address to country name

  • All of the above in one simple function
  • Powered by data.table
> IP_country("")

[1] China
Levels: China

IP_location - Convert IP address into detailed location

  • Produces dataframe with country abreviation, country name, region, city, zip code, latitude, longitude, and GMT
> IP_location("")

  abrv country  region    city    zip     lat      long    gmt
1   CN   China Beijing Beijing 100006 39.9075 116.39723 +08:00

IP_plot - Convert IPs to countries and plot on world map

  • Enter IPs, get a map with gradient coloring reflecting the percentage of IP addresses originating in each country

IP_generator - Generate random IP addresses

  • Generate five random IP addresses
> IP_generator(5)
[1] ""    ""    "" ""   "" 


> library(microbenchmark)
> microbenchmark(IP_country(IPs))
Unit: milliseconds
            expr      min       lq    mean  median       uq      max neval
 IP_country(IPs) 85.27124 87.03638 91.0021 87.6341 89.12941 206.8301   100
> microbenchmark(IP_location(IPs))
Unit: seconds
             expr      min       lq     mean  median       uq     max neval
 IP_location(IPs) 3.673867 4.228647 4.614923 4.44011 4.993532 6.40974   100