
My customizable (and hopefully portable) Emacs configuration.

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

cmpitg's Emacs config


This is my (cmpitg's) personal Emacs 24 configuration. This configuration is packaged so it could be automagically installed in any new system which runs Emacs 24+. The best and most recommended way to use is via the installation method mentioned below. You could use this configuration in parallel with any Emacs configuration (such as Emacs Prelude) as long as other configurations don't mess up with the ~/emacs-config directory.


My Emacs screenshot


  • A *nix system, I don't and probably never will support Window$

  • Emacs 24+

  • Xiki (optional)

  • For the GUI file browser:

    • Emacs is running under server mode with default socket path. This could be achieved by using the init.el config or simply evaluating (server-start) in your Emacs.

    • PySide for Python 3 (python3-pyside package in Debian-based systems).

  • For file opening: zenity (GTK+ GUI dialog, used for file choosing)

  • For ibus-mode: python-xlib package.

  • For Python development:

    • Packages jedi epc for auto-completion.
  • For Ruby development:

    • RSense for Ruby completion
    • Gems: pry pry-doc yard for Ruby-dev and Pry integration.

Installing Requirements in Debian

Im my system, I install Ruby using RVM, use Python 3.2, and switch from su to sudo. So the installation process is roughly:

# Install Emacs 24+, I built it manually #
sudo aptitude install python3-pyside python-xlib zenity
sudo pip-3.2 install python-xlib jedi epc
gem install -V pry pry-doc yard
# Install Xiki, refer to https://github.com/trogdoro/xiki #


  • First, clone the repository to your $HOME:

    cd ~
    git clone git://github.com/cmpitg/emacs-config.git
  • Make sure you have a local bin directory for executable files. You can skip this step if you've already had:

    mkdir -p ~/bin/
    echo "export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
    # For non-Bash users, add the same thing to your rc, e.g. with Zsh:
    # echo "export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.zshrc
  • Now, symlink all the executables to your $HOME/bin and the desktop file to your ~/.local/share/applications/:

    ln -s ~/emacs-config/bin/filebrowser-emacs.py ~/bin/
    ln -s ~/emacs-config/bin/emacs-cmpitg ~/bin/
    ln -s ~/emacs-config/bin/emacs-xiki ~/bin/
    ln -s ~/emacs-config/rsense/bin/rsense ~/bin/
    mkdir -p ~/.local/share/applications/
    ln -s ~/emacs-config/emacs-cmpitg.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/
  • Create ~/.rsense for RSense:

  • Disable Pry's pager (for Emacs-Pry integration):

    echo "Pry.config.pager = false" >> ~/.pryrc
  • Edit Xiki path in ~/emacs-config/emacs-xiki.el

  • Make your own customization file if necessary, edit and have fun:

    # Main custom file, loaded after everything has done
    touch ~/emacs-custom.el
    # Loaded foremost
    touch ~/emacs-custom-foremost.el


cd ~/emacs-config/
git pull

Then restart Emacs. Note that if you have made some changes to files other than emacs-custom.el, git rebase is better than git pull. Consult Stack Overflow for the reason why.


Just remove the ~/emacs-config directory, your ~/emacs-custom.el and ~/emacs-custom-foremost.el if necessary:

rm -rf ~/emacs-config
rm -f ~/.local/share/applications/emacs-cmpitg.desktop
rm -f ~/emacs-custom.el
rm -f ~/emacs-custom-foremost.el

And the executable files:

rm ~/bin/{filebrowser-emacs.py,emacs-xiki,emacs-cmpitg}


  • Run the emacs-cmpitg (or ~/bin/emacs-cmpitg) command or run GNU Emacs (cmpitg) from your menu.

  • If you're using Xiki, install Xiki and run emacs-xiki.

  • By default, the variable $RSENSE_HOME is set to $HOME/emacs-config/rsense. To change this, search for (setenv "$RSENSE_HOME" in the .el` file(s) and change it as you need.

  • Emacs uses Yasnippet for Textmate-like snippet feature. Put your custom snippets in your *snippet-dir* directory. By default, *snippet-dir* is ~/emacs-config/snippets/ and can be changed in .el files.

  • A default Emacs server is automagically started when your Emacs starts. Use

    emacsclient -e "Some Emacs Lisp code"

    to evaluate a piece of Emacs Lisp code using the current server. Eval ($start-server) to restart the Emacs server. You might shut down the Emacs server, but the file browser (see below) would fail to work though.


  • ~/emacs-custom.el is your main customization file. This file will be loaded after cmpitg configuration has been loaded.

  • ~/emacs-custom-foremost.el would be loaded before everything is loaded.

    This file is usually used to disable packages which are loaded by default during startup (by modifying *disabled-package-list*) or install and load packages from ELPA and el-get.

    See emacs-custom-foremost-sample.el for more detail and package-list.el for full list of packages that are loaded by default.

  • Other things related to Xiki enrivonment should be customized in ~/emacs-config/init-xiki.el.

Notes: If you would like to know how it works, init.el (or init-xiki.el for Xiki version) is/are first place(s) to get started.

Detailed Description

  • Some selective libraries are always loaded by default, including but not limited to:

    See $HOME/emacs-config/init-package-manager.el for the full list of pre-installed packages.

  • All config- files in your $HOME/emacs-config/config-default is automatically required, unless the package name appears in the list *disabled-package-list*.

  • ErgoEmacs keybindings, with <Super> key as the modifier.

  • Optimized for Programmer Dvorak key layout.

  • Making extensive use of mouse and <Super> key.

  • "When in doubt, leave it out". Use only what I need.

  • Opening file with a GUI dialog (provided by Zenity, defined in ~/emacs-config/config-default/custom-functions.el).

  • Maintainable.

  • Automatically chmod +x shebang-ed files.

  • All temporary buffers (buffers started and ended with *, such as *Help*, *Completions*, *Messages*, ...) are treated as popup buffer using popwin extension.

The GUI File Browser

The file browser is written in PySide (Python wrapper for Qt framework). Source code of the file browser is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.0.


  • Files and directories are displayed as a tree:

    • Double click an item it in your Emacs server
    • Right click an item to open the context menu:
      • Browse the current item if it's a directory
      • Copy full path
      • Copy file/directory name
      • Delete file/directory from your drive
  • Current visited path is displayed in the first text box called the pathbar. Supported format includes ~ and shell variables (such as $HOME, $SOMEDIR). Shortcut to go directly to the pathbar: Ctrl+L.

  • User could modify directly the pathbar or click on the left-top browse button to visit a directory. Shortcut to open directory browser dialog: Ctrl+O.

  • The displayed files/directories could be filter by name with the regular expression in the second text box (called filterbar). Shortcut to go directly to the filterbar: Ctrl-F.

Use Cases with Keybindings

TODO: Making nice table with: Keybinding - Description - Function - Provided by

  • Use mouse effectively, Acme mouse chords:

    • Selecting text by dragging button one, keep holding down button one:
      • Press button two to cut
      • Press button three to paste
    • When some text is selected, press button three to search for selection in the current buffer.

    Acme mouse chords in Emacs

    Original image is at acme.cat-v.

  • What does this keybinding do? C-h k [keybinding]

  • Description for this function and its keybinding? C-h f [function-name]

  • Emacs Lisp: support modern ways to process lists.

  • Scratch/temporary buffer:

    • Switch default scratch buffer: C-f1
    • New scratch buffer: C-x C-n
  • Open file:

    • Recent file: <M-f4>
    • Open file using fuzzy matching: f3
    • Open file with Helm: <M-f3>:
      • C-l to go up one level
      • C-z to go down one level
    • Open current file as root, using sudo: s-z
    • Close current buffer: <C-f4>
    • <return> in any file browsing mode to smartly open file with Emacs or external application (thanks to the excellent openwith extension)
  • Bookmarks:

    • Go to bookmark: S-f8
    • List bookmarks: C-x r l
      • d to delete bookmark
      • x to commit deletions
    • Add to bookmark: C-x r m
    • Recent files: <M-f4> (thanks to recentf)
  • Window management:

    • Delete all other windows: C-%
    • Hide current window: <S-f4>
    • Split vertically: C-7
    • Split horizontally: C-5
    • Hide popup window: C-g
    • Scroll other window down: C-M-v
    • Scroll other window up: C-S-M-v
  • Buffer management:

    • Show current buffer list: f8 (with helm) or <C-f2> (with buffer-menu)
    • Kill current buffer: C-delete or C-f4
    • Switch back and forth between 2 most recent buffers: s-B
  • Movement:

    • Set a mark (to jump): C-SPC C-SPC
    • Come back to the last mark or point where you just editted: C-u C-SPC
    • List all occurrences of an expression in current buffer: s-s (helm-occur)
  • Basic text processing:

    • Upcase word, lowcase word, and capitalize word: M-u, M-l, and M-c
    • Find next/prev occurrences, use one of these:
      • Button three click on a selection (see Acme mouse chords)
      • Go to the prev/next occurrence of the symbol at cursor: M-p/M-n (feature provided by smartscan)
    • Find all occurrences of a regular expression in all opened files: <f4>
    • Surround text: s-SPC s
    • In Markdown mode: Use s-SPC i, s-SPC b, and s-SPC r to italicize, embolden, or rawify text selection.
  • Completion:

    • Using pabbrev only: <s-return>
    • Using autocomplete or pabbrev: <tab>
    • Using hippie-expand (fuzzy completion with guessing): M-/
  • Yasnippet:

    • Visit snippet file: C-c & C-v
    • When in snippet-mode:
      • Tryout snippet: C-c C-t
      • Load snippet: C-c C-c
  • greping:

    • greping could be done with ack-and-a-half via ack or <C-f10>
    • Ack buffer is edittable and saveable thanks to wgrep-ack:
      • To start editting: C-c C-p
      • To save changes: C-x C-s
      • To discard changes: C-x C-k
      • To commit changes to files: C-c C-e or wgrep-save-all-buffers

With Any Interactive mode

The following keybindings are applied to when you want to interative with a REPL.

Currently supported REPL:

General keybindings:

  • Invoke and/or jump to REPL: C-c C-z or C-c C-i
  • Eval last expression: C-x C-e or C-c C-e
  • Eval region: C-c C-r
  • Eval buffer: C-c C-b or C-c C-c (in some modes)
  • Eval function: C-M-x or C-c C-c (in some modes)
  • Show documentation of current word/symbol/identifier: f1

With Python Development

(TODO) Making screencast, solving a Project Euler problem

With Lisp Development

  • Transpose 2 s-expression with C-M-t. E.g.

    '(1 |2)         ;; => '(2 1|)
    '((1 2 3) |4)   ;; => '(4 (1 2 3)|)

With Racket Development

(TODO) Making screencast, solving a Project Euler problem


  • Start/switch back and forth to eshell: switch-to-eshell-back-and-forth

  • Display eshell history with ido, choosing history adds the command to current eshell buffer: eshell-history

File Management with Sunrise Commander

  • Open Sunrise: s-SPC SPC
  • Sunrise change dir: s-SPC c
  • In Dired mode, to toggle detail information: ( or )

In Sunrise mode:

  • Hide details: C-backspace
  • Prefixing copy/cut commands with C-u does the action in the background (a feature provided by sunrise-x-loop package)

(TODO) Making screencast with use cases:

  • Mass renaming with wdired
  • Mass copy/moving
  • Shell commands
  • Open file with external program
  • Tree browsing

Working with Git

Cheatsheet: http://daemianmack.com/magit-cheatsheet.html

Git should be setup with SSH.

Git status: s-SPC g

  • Quit: q

  • Committing:

    • Previous hunk, next hunk: p, n
    • Stage/unstage current hunk: s/u
    • Stage/unstage all hunks: S/U
    • Ignore file: i
    • Toggle visibility: tab
    • Toggle visibility of all: S-tab
    • Reload buffer: g
  • Commit: c

    • Execute commit: C-c C-c
  • History and verbose history: l, L

  • Copy SHA1: C-w

  • Marking:

    • Mark/unmark current commit: ../C-u ..
    • Toggle commit marking: .
  • Diff-ing: *Show diff between marked and current commit: =

  • Reseting:

    • Current head: x
    • Hard reset, destructive: X
  • Pushing & pulling & rebasing:

    • Push: P
    • Pull: F
    • Rebase: R
  • Branching:

    • Switch branch: b
    • Create and switch branch: B


It's best to config your Git environment for Github first. Current my Emacs uses @defunkt's gist.el

  • gist-region-or-buffer
  • gist-region-or-buffer-private


Except for packages which don't belong to this configuration in the first place, and unless clearly stated, all the code in this configuration is distributed in terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPL v3). See COPYING for further information.


Refactor this document into simple use cases/tasks.

  • s-v to go to package manager's package list (package-list-packages)

  • s-\ to toggle ibus-mode (ibus-mode), then C-M-S-SPC to toggle Ibus ($toggle-ibus)

  • Code:

    • C-- to toggle comment on selection ('$toggle-comment-region)
  • Toggle whitespace visibility C-<menu> C-w:

    • Delete redundant whitespaces s-w