
Utility to scale <canvas> for Retina and other high resolution screens.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Canvas DPI Scaler

Utility to scale <canvas> for Retina and other high resolution screens.


Install with npm or <script>: npm install canvas-dpi-scaler or <script href='canvas-dpi-scaler.js'>

canvasDpiScaler(canvas, context, [customWidth], [customHeight])

var canvasDpiScaler = require('canvas-dpi-scaler'),
    canvas = document.getElementById('some-canvas-el'),
    context = canvas.getContext('2d');
canvasDpiScaler(canvas, context); // That's it; you're done!


Based on this HTML5 rocks article.

Written by @ChrisPolis, under MIT License.

Demo Screenshot (from Retina MBP)
