Ansible Role: ECR Container Build

Build Status

An Ansible Role that installs builds Docker container images and (optionally) pushes them to AWS ECR Repositories.


  • Docker
  • Pip packages: boto3, docker

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

ecr_image_src_dir: ../my-project
ecr_image_name: namespace/my-project

A source directory containing a Dockerfile and any required resources, and the image name (typically in the form namespace/project) for the docker image that is built.

ecr_image_buildargs: {}

Build args to pass to the docker_image module when building the Docker image. Args should be passed as an object with key-value pairs, e.g. { name: value, name2: value2 }

ecr_image_tags: ['latest']

The tags to apply to the final image which is pushed to ECR.

ecr_login_required: false

Set this to true if you are using ECR as the source for your container build (e.g. FROM in Dockerfile).

ecr_push: true

Whether to push the built image to ECR. Set to false if you're just testing the image build portion or you cannot connect to ECR.

ecr_region: us-east-1
ecr_account_id: '123456789012'
ecr_url: "{{ ecr_account_id }}.dkr.ecr.{{ ecr_region }}"

AWS account details for ECR.



Example Playbook

Building locally (assuming you already have Docker CE and the docker pip package installed):

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false

    ecr_image_src_dir: ../my-project
    ecr_image_name: namespace/my-project
    ecr_image_tags: ['latest','1.2.3']
    ecr_account_id: '123456789012'
    pip_install_packages: ['docker']

    - role: geerlingguy.ecr_container_build

Building on a remote server:

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false

    ecr_image_src_dir: ../my-project
    ecr_image_name: namespace/my-project
    ecr_image_tags: ['latest','1.2.3']
    ecr_account_id: '123456789012'
    pip_install_packages: ['docker']

    - role: geerlingguy.docker
    - role: geerlingguy.pip
    - role: geerlingguy.ecr_container_build



Author Information

This role was created in 2018 by Jeff Geerling, author of Ansible for DevOps.