
A collection of tutorial/guides for provisioning free cloud resources

Primary LanguageHCL

Free cloud ⛅

By: Alexander Comerford (alex@taoa.io)

This repo is a tutorial/guide for provisioning free cloud resources. Currently only one resource is ready for use, but more will be provided in the future (ex: gcloud, aws, etc.)

IBM cloud bucket

For provisioning a free 25GB IBM cloud bucket, do the following:

Update and rename .env.example to .env with your associated IBM cloud credentials

Next run the following commands, (dependencies jq and docker)

## Source your env variables with your credentials
source .env

## Get the api key
  docker run --rm --env-file <(env | grep IBM) -it ibmcom/ibm-cloud-developer-tools-amd64 \
         sh -c '\
           ibmcloud login -u $IBM_CLOUD_USERNAME -p $IBM_CLOUD_PASSWORD -r $IBM_CLOUD_REGION \
           && apk add jq \
           && export IC_API_KEY_OUTPUT=$(ibmcloud iam api-key-create ${IBM_CLOUD_APIKEY_NAME} --output json) \
           && echo $IC_API_KEY_OUTPUT\
         ' \
    | tail -n 1)
export IC_API_KEY=$(echo ${IC_API_KEY_OUTPUT} | jq -r ".apikey")

## Name the resource group and bucket
export TF_VAR_resource_group_name='Default'
export TF_VAR_bucket_name='bucket'

## Apply!
terraform init
terraform apply

You can get the access and secret key with the following

export ACCESSKEYID=$(terraform show -json | jq -r '.. | ."cos_hmac_keys.access_key_id"? // empty')
export AWSSECRETACCESSKEY=$(terraform show -json | jq -r '.. | ."cos_hmac_keys.secret_access_key"? // empty')
export ENDPOINT=s3.us.cloud-object-storage.appdomain.cloud