Pydon scrapes the World Health Organization's Disease Outbreak News reports. Reports can be searched by date only for now, but future versions will allow searching by disease. Pydon outputs lines of the DON text that contain numbers. If there is a table in the DON, there is an option to output the table to .csv. Requirements are Beautiful Soup 4 and pandas.
In: text = main('2014_08_', True)
2014-08-15 ebola haemhorragic fever
New (1)\n Confirmed Probable Suspect Totals
1 Guinea
2 Cases 9 376 133 10 519
3 Deaths 3 245 133 2 380
4 Liberia
5 Cases 116 190 423 173 786
6 Deaths 58 154 190 69 413
7 Nigeria
8 Cases 0 11 0 1 12
9 Deaths 1 4 0 0 4
10 Sierra Leone
11 Cases 27 733 38 39 810
12 Deaths 14 309 34 5 348
13 Totals
14 Cases 152 1310 594 223 2127
15 Deaths 76 712 357 76 1145
Disease outbreak news
15 August 2014
Between 12 and 13 August 2014, a total of 152 new cases of Ebola virus disease (laboratory-confirmed, probable, and suspect cases) as well as 76 deaths were reported from Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone.
On 13-14 August, some airlines and social media and traditional media vehicles expressed concern that air travel to and from affected countries was a high-risk activity for the spread of Ebola
To correct this misunderstanding, WHO called a press conference at the UN Palais des Nations in Geneva on 14 August
On 13 August, Heads of Global Information Systems (GIS) for WHO, UN agencies, intergovernmental agencies, and partners met to continue mapping the EVD crisis and create an interagency common operations picture
WHO 2014
## End of DON ##
Caitlin Rivers