
Flippa Front End Test

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Cameron's Submission - FLIPPA FRONTEND TEST

This solution is built in React, scaffolded with create-react-app. For state management I introduced react-easy-state, which seemed light weight and appropriate to the task.

How to run

Remember to do an npm install after cloning or pulling this repo.

  • npm run develop - Run the API server & frontend in development mode (hot reloading, etc)
  • npm run test - Run tests and validate snaps
  • npm run build - Build a production build
  • npm run start - Serve the API with the built frontend from /build/. Make sure you run npm run build first.


  • When running in development mode (npm run develop), the API server is run on port 4000 and the React server acts as a proxy. When running with npm run start, the API server runs on port 3000 and serves the frontend from the /build/ folder.
  • This app will not work in IE11, due to a lack of support for Proxy objects (used by react-easy-state).

Future work / known issues

  • Improve handling of API responses when multiple requests are in flight simultaneously. There is currently a race condition where the last received response will set the state, even if it is not the last request sent. Only the response from the most recent request should be honoured.
  • Add a loading state or optimistic resolution when adding a new counter. Optimistic update is hard to implement for this action as the ID must be generated by the server.
  • Add error handling & schema validation to API layer.


You need to create a simple counter application that can do the following:

  • Add a named counter to a list of counters
  • Increment any of the counters
  • Decrement any of the counters
  • Delete a counter
  • Show a sum of all the counter values
  • It must persist data back to the server

We have provided:

  • Compiled Directory: of /static/
  • /static/index.html that will be served at localhost:3000 when the server is running
  • /static/app.js and /static/app.css will be used automatically by /static/index.html

If you need other publicly available files, other than index.html, app.js, app.css you will have to modify the server code in /index.js

Some other notes:

  • The design, layout, ux, is all up to you.
  • You can change anything you want (server stuff included) as long as the above list is completed.
  • This isn't a backend test, don't make it require any databases.
  • If you decide to use a precompiler of any kind (js/css/etc..) we need to be able to run it with npm run build.
  • We don't want to run any npm install -g whatever commands. NO GLOBAL DEPENDENCIES
  • Tests are good.

A possible layout could be:

         Counter App
| Input                   [+] |
| [x] Bob           [-] 5 [+] |
| [x] Steve         [-] 1 [+] |
| [x] Pat           [-] 4 [+] |
| Total                    10 |

Review Criteria

In general, we will review submissions based on the following criteria:

  • It works as the spec states
  • Atomic commits with well-written commit messages
  • Thoughtful domain modelling and separation of concerns
  • Attention to principles of object-oriented / functional programming
  • Idiomatic code for the language
  • Tests

Install and start the server

$ npm install
$ npm start
$ npm run build #[optional] use for any precompilers you choose

API endpoints / examples

The following endpoints are expecting a Content-Type: application/json

GET /api/v1/counters
# []

POST {title: "bob"} /api/v1/counter
# [
#   {id: "asdf", title: "bob", count: 0}
# ]

POST {title: "steve"} /api/v1/counter
# [
#   {id: "asdf", title: "bob", count: 0},
#   {id: "qwer", title: "steve", count: 0}
# ]

POST {id: "asdf"} /api/v1/counter/inc
# [
#   {id: "asdf", title: "bob", count: 1},
#   {id: "qwer", title: "steve", count: 0}
# ]

POST {id: "qwer"} /api/v1/counter/dec
# [
#   {id: "asdf", title: "bob", count: 1},
#   {id: "qwer", title: "steve", count: -1}
# ]

DELETE {id: "qwer"} /api/v1/counter
# [
#   {id: "asdf", title: "bob", count: 1}
# ]

GET /api/v1/counters
# [
#   {id: "asdf", title: "bob", count: 1},
# ]

*NOTE: Each request returns the current state of all counters.