This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

How to run

Remember to do a yarn or npm install after cloning or pulling this repo.

All the usual create-react-app scripts work here:

  • yarn start - Run in development mode
  • yarn test - Run tests and validate snaps
  • yarn build - Build a production build (pls don't use this in production)


  • There was an error in data.json line 10. The key for the room name was name instead of roomName. I have corrected this error.
  • I've chosen a lightweight react component from NPM to do the star ratings (react-stars). Some of the other options had a lot of superflous features or a lot of dependencies, so I didn't choose those. If this were going into production I'd revisit this choice.
  • I used CSS grid to lay out the search result items, mainly because I wanted to have a play with it. Obviously this is bad for browser compatibility and would need to be changed for a production system.
  • Unfortunately the rendering of react-stars uses Math.random(), which means I need to mock Math.random() in each test where I need an idempotent snapshot. If you know a better solution to this I'd love to hear it!

Future improvements

  • Improve design to work on mobile resolutions
  • Connect to a real API
  • Add a loading screen while data is being fetched
  • Move to a better state management solution - Redux, Relay, GraphQL + local UI state
  • Audit react-stars package, consider forking to remove edit function or creating custom solution
  • Test a11y
  • Test on older browsers (CSS grid ain't gonna work)
  • Schema validation for hotels array
  • Move to locally scopped CSS (e.g. CSS Modules)