
Primary LanguageJavaScript

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. For state management I introduced react-easy-state which seemed light weight and appropriate to the task.

How to run

Remember to do a yarn or npm install after cloning or pulling this repo.

All the usual create-react-app scripts work here:

  • yarn start - Run in development mode
  • yarn test - Run tests and validate snaps
  • yarn build - Build a "production" build (pls don't actually use this in production)


  • This app will not work in IE. This is because react-easy-state uses ES6 proxies to monitor state changes and usage, and IE does not support ES6 proxies.

Future work

  • Get additional data from API, especially alt text for a11y.
  • Responsive / mobile layout.
  • Consider moving to a more widely supported state management library.
  • Connect to a real API, persist changes back to the server.
  • Consider restructure of API schema to be more like the structure inside propertyStore.
  • Provide visual feedback to user if a property has already been saved and they try to save it again.

Test instructions


You are given the following JSON object which will serve as mock backend data:

    "results": [{
        "price": "$726,500",
        "agency": {
            "brandingColors": {
                "primary": "#ffe512"
            "logo": "http://i1.au.reastatic.net/agencylogo/XRWXMT/12/20120927204448.gif"
        "id": "1",
        "mainImage": "http://i2.au.reastatic.net/640x480/20bfc8668a30e8cabf045a1cd54814a9042fc715a8be683ba196898333d68cec/main.jpg"
    }, {
        "price": "$560,520",
        "agency": {
            "brandingColors": {
                "primary": "#fcfa3b"
            "logo": "http://i4.au.reastatic.net/agencylogo/BFERIC/12/20150619122858.gif"
        "id": "2",
        "mainImage": "http://i1.au.reastatic.net/640x480/88586227f9176f602d5c19cf06261108dbb29f03e30d1c4ce9fc2b51fb1e4bd6/main.jpg"
    }, {
        "price": "$826,500",
        "agency": {
            "brandingColors": {
                "primary": "#57B5E0"
            "logo": "http://i1.au.reastatic.net/agencylogo/XCEWIN/12/20150807093203.gif"
        "id": "3",
        "mainImage": "http://i4.au.reastatic.net/640x480/98cee1b2a3a64329921fc38f7e2926a78d41fcc683fc48fb8a8ef2999b14c027/main.jpg"
    "saved": [{
        "price": "$526,500",
        "agency": {
            "brandingColors": {
                "primary": "#000000"
            "logo": "http://i2.au.reastatic.net/agencylogo/WVYSSK/2/20140701084436.gif"
        "id": "4",
        "mainImage": "http://i2.au.reastatic.net/640x480/5e84d96722dda3ea2a084d6935677f64872d1d760562d530c3cabfcb7bcda9c2/main.jpg"

Display the list of properties using the data set within the “results" array running down the page in a column that has a heading labeled Results. There will be a second column with a heading Saved Properties, along side the Results column. It will contain the initial property within the “saved" array

Hovering over a property card in the Results column will display an ’add’ button. Clicking the ‘add’ button will create the property in the Saved Properties column. Hovering over a property card in the Saved Properties column will display a 'remove’ button. Clicking the ‘remove' button will remove the property from the list of saved properties.

What we are looking for:

  • Code separated into Modules where appropriate. (AMD/Commonjs/ES6) etc
  • Logical sequence of commits so we can see how you came to the solution.
  • Testing, (Capturing the business logic of the above requirements) or at the very least around the adding and removing of data.
  • Instructions on building the project and some documentation.