
Repository for the experiments described in "Current Limitations in Cyberbullying Detection: on Evaluation Criteria, Reproducibility, and Data Scarcity" submitted as pre-print to arXiv.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Current Limitations in Cyberbullying Detection: on Evaluation Criteria, Reproducibility, and Data Scarcity

Repository for the work described in Current Limitations in Cyberbullying Detection: on Evaluation Criteria, Reproducibility, and Data Scarcity. Code is released under the GPL-v3 license.

Access to data: If you'd like access to the Ask.fm or Simulated corpus please contact us. Also see here.

If you use anything related to the repository or paper, please cite the following work:

  title={Current Limitations in Cyberbullying Detection: on Evaluation
         Criteria, Reproducibility, and Data Scarcity},
  author={Emmery, Chris and Verhoeven, Ben and De Pauw, Guy and Jacobs, Gilles
          and Van Hee, Cynthia and Lefever, Els and Desmet, Bart and Hoste,
          V\'{e}ronique and Daelemans, Walter},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.11922},

Also consider citing the corpora that we used to compare when using the readers supplied with our work. Refer to our paper for references.



This repository offers scripts to compare (scikit-learn-API-based) classifiers on various cyberbullying detection corpora, including suggestions for different data augmentation methods, and easy cross-domain evaluation. We showed this provides more detailed insight into the limitations of such classifiers, and allows for stronger (more critical) comparisons between them.

Quick Start

Not only do we supply code to replicate our experiments, we also offer the API to subject new models to the same evaluation.

Support Disclaimer: The code is written on a Linux system, using Python 3.7. Some functionality might not be portable, please check Debugging, and the code's #NOTE comments if certain things do not work.


All default parameter settings are according to the paper. Please check the help (python experiments.py -h) for details). Example use, to replicate Table 4:

python experiments.py baseline
python experiments.py baseline --merge

Note on Score Reproduction: As long as the paper is pre-print, we might still change the experiments. Please make sure to refer to the most recent paper version (will be updated in this repository).

The reproduction of the neural models from Agrawal et al., including extensive documentation, can be found under /reproduction.


We do not supply the data with this repository. We included most of the required scripts, pointers, etc. for the open-source corpora in the /corpora directory. If you are a researcher interested in replication, please contact us for the data (contact info in paper).

The readers in our repository assume that all data is in a .csv format with label,"text of a document" as columns.

If you want to run without certain corpora, either comment out the tuples in this part. Alternatively, if you'd like to add your own data for the comparison, please see the following sections.


We provide a debugging script testing all current functionality of the main evaluation pipeline under utils.py on a small debugging dataset (found under /corpora). It can be run from shell like so:

python experiments.py debug

testing preprocessing ... ok
testing merge . ok
testing single_domain . ok
testing multi_thread . ok
testing store . ok
testing report . ok
testing model ....... ok

... Test was a success, congrats!

Depending on versions of packages used, this might throw a few Deprecation and FutureWarnings in between. Please see Dependencies first if anything fails.

Test your Own Pipeline

Adapting the scikit-learn API to implement a custom pipline into the framework is fairly straight-forward. Consider the following code for generating the Naive Bayes features used in NB-SVM:

from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin

class BayesFeatures(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
    def __init__(self):
        self.r = None
    def pr(self, X, y_i, y):
        p = X[[int(yi == y_i) for yi in y]].sum(0)
        return (p + 1) / (sum([int(yi) == y_i for yi in y]) + 1)
    def fit(self, X, y):
        self.r = np.log(self.pr(X, 1, y) / self.pr(X, 0, y))
        return self
    def transform(self, X):
        return X.multiply(self.r)
    def fit_transform(self, X, y):
        self.fit(X, y)
        return self.transform(X)

The only requirements are adapting the base API for estimators and transformer modules by inheritance ((BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin) in the class definition. Just supply fit, transform, and fit_transform functions, with matching parameters (X, optionally y), and make sure to return self in fit.

Classifiers are implemented in a similar way:

from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin

class MajorityBaseline(BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin):
    """Standard majority baseline implementation using sklearn API."""

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        """Set label counter."""
        self.y_counter = Counter()

    def __str__(self) -> None:
        return "MajorityBaseline"

    def fit(self, X: list, y: list) -> MajorityBaseline:
        """Count the labels."""
        for yi in y:
            self.y_counter[yi] += 1

        return self

    def predict(self, X: list) -> list:
        """Predict the majority label for the provided data."""
        return [self.y_counter.most_common(1)[0][0] for _ in range(len(X))]

Note that rather than transform, there is now a predict method that returns labels (i.e., ŷ), and method inheritance from ClassifierMixin is required.

Alternatively, you may use whatever sklearn already provides. Anything adhering to their API can be included as a pipeline to the experiments like so:

your_pipeline = {
    ('vect', CountVectorizer(binary=True)): {
        'vect__ngram_range': [(1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3)]
    ('svc', LinearSVC(random_state=42)): {
        'svc__C': [1e-3, 1e-2, 1e-1, 1e-0, 1e1, 1e2, 1e3],
        'svc__loss': ['hinge', 'squared_hinge'],
        'svc__class_weight': [None, "balanced"]

Note that keys are tuples with (id name (a string), sklearn-API class (an object)), and values another dictionary, with {parameter name (a string): [list with parameter values (also in strings)]}. This is formatted according to sklearn's Pipeline class (just with some additional nesting).

You can provide this (and other arguments) to the experiments like so:


If you want to also include new data here, read on.

Including New Data

The most hassle-free way of including your own data is copying (or linking) it to the /corpora directory. The current structure should be as follows:

├── yourname
│   ├── some_directory_name
│   │   ├── dataname.csv

In the current implementation, the data needs to be nested in a directory deeper than one would expect. It's somewhat counter-intuitive, more so as the data tuple ignores this name. It should be referred to as ('yourname', 'dataname') in the current example.

However, in this way you can simply run your own pipeline and include the tuple in the experiment parameters, like so:

Experiment(pipeline=your_pipeline, datasets=[('yourname', 'dataname']).run()

For additional documentation, please refer to the docstrings of the classes. They are fairly detailed.


These are the required (non-standard) packages (and their version tested with the latest version of the repository) to run the full repository:

# base

# optional
keras==2.3.1            # (for reproducing neural models)
tensorflow==1.13.1      # same, backend to keras
tflearn==0.3.2          # for padding etc. in reproduction
transformers==2.1.1     # for DistilBERT
torch==1.3.0            # for transformers
gensim==3.8.1           # for word2vec