
Vertex selection

Closed this issue · 3 comments

For our analysis (HH -> bbgg) we would like to have nvtx (number of vertices) variable with some pre-selection. Specifically, we need to have the number of vertices that pass these:
!isFake && ndof > 4 && abs(z) <= 24 && position.rho < 2 which is standard selection in most other analysis. As far as I understand, such selection is not applied in flashgg [1]?
Would that be easy for you to create another variable, nvtx2 with the mentioned selection, added in the same list of global variables?

UPD: There is a Vertex collection saved in MicroAOD, but it's not a full collection right? So we couldn't get the needed number from there.


Hi Andrey,

you can create a filer in a similar way to flashgg diphotons are pre-selected which is applied after microAOD which contains the following vertex tag offlineSlimmedPrimaryVertices

DEFINE_FWK_MODULE( GenericDiPhotonCandidateSelector );

If you are going to straight to flat trees, you can create a “dumper” the same way it is created to tag objects and the DiPhotonMVAResult class:

which then you will need another file to run all the modules, and then apply the selection on our flat trees. Which way were you planning to go ? We can give more details, maybe someone can suggest a better way too.


On Oct 5, 2016, at 8:30 AM, Andrey Pozdnyakov <> wrote:

For our analysis (HH -> bbgg) we would like to have nvtx (number of vertices) variable with some pre-selection. Specifically, we need to have the number of vertices that pass these:
!isFake && ndof > 4 && abs(z) <= 24 && position.rho < 2 which is standard selection in most other analysis. As far as I understand, such selection is not applied in flashgg [1]?
Would that be easy for you to create another variable, nvtx2 with the mentioned selection, added in the same list of global variables?


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The vertex collection is the standard one copied straight over from MiniAOD:

vectorreco::Vertex "offlineSlimmedPrimaryVertices" "" "PAT"

In general, anything labelled "PAT" is something copied over from the MiniAOD PAT algorithms without being touched by the Hgg code. You can read the MiniAOD documentation here:

You can certainly get the information you need from there.

Ok, thank you.
Indeed we should be able to use the vertex collection from MicroAODs and apply the selection at the analysis level.