

Primary LanguageC++

Current production tag : V08_00_26_07

Newest tag for testing :

Note that the current head version can be run with CMSSW_8_0_26_patch1 or CMSSW_8_0_29

To work with CMSSW_8_0_29 and head version for 2016 legacy re-reco, you do :

cd CMSSW_8_0_29/src
setenv CMSSW_GIT_REFERENCE /cvmfs/cms.cern.ch/cmssw.git.daily
git cms-init
git remote add btv-cmssw https://github.com/cms-btv-pog/cmssw.git
git fetch --tags btv-cmssw
git cms-merge-topic -u cms-btv-pog:BoostedDoubleSVTaggerV4-WithWeightFiles-v1_from-CMSSW_8_0_21
git cms-merge-topic rafaellopesdesa:RegressionCheckNegEnergy
git cms-merge-topic cms-egamma:EGM_gain_v1
cd EgammaAnalysis/ElectronTools/data
git clone https://github.com/ECALELFS/ScalesSmearings.git
git checkout Legacy2016_v1
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
git cms-merge-topic cms-met:METRecipe_8020_for80Xintegration
git cms-merge-topic Sam-Harper:HEEPV70VID_8010_ReducedCheckout
git cms-merge-topic Sam-Harper:PackedCandNoPuppi
git cms-merge-topic ikrav:egm_id_80X_v2
git cms-merge-topic ikrav:egm_id_80X_v3_photons
git-cms-addpkg RecoBTag/DeepFlavour
mkdir -p RecoBTag/DeepFlavour/data wget http://home.fnal.gov/~verzetti//DeepFlavour/training/DeepFlavourNoSL.json -O RecoBTag/DeepFlavour/data/DeepFlavourNoSL.json
wget http://mon.iihe.ac.be/~smoortga/DeepFlavour/CMSSW_implementation_DeepCMVA/Model_DeepCMVA.json -O RecoBTag/DeepFlavour/data/Model_DeepCMVA.json
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
git clone https://github.com/cmkuo/HiggsAnalysis.git
git clone https://github.com/cmkuo/ggAnalysis.git

scram b -j 10

To work with CMSSW_8_0_26_patch1 and head version for 2016 re-reco (Moriond17), you do :

cd CMSSW_8_0_26_patch1/src
setenv CMSSW_GIT_REFERENCE /cvmfs/cms.cern.ch/cmssw.git.daily
git cms-init
git remote add btv-cmssw https://github.com/cms-btv-pog/cmssw.git
git fetch --tags btv-cmssw
git cms-merge-topic -u cms-btv-pog:BoostedDoubleSVTaggerV4-WithWeightFiles-v1_from-CMSSW_8_0_21
git cms-merge-topic rafaellopesdesa:RegressionCheckNegEnergy
git cms-merge-topic cms-egamma:EGM_gain_v1
cd EgammaAnalysis/ElectronTools/data
git clone https://github.com/ECALELFS/ScalesSmearings.git
git checkout Moriond17_23Jan_v2
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
git cms-merge-topic cms-met:METRecipe_8020 -u
git cms-merge-topic cms-met:METRecipe_80X_part2 -u
git cms-merge-topic Sam-Harper:HEEPV70VID_8010_ReducedCheckout
git cms-merge-topic Sam-Harper:PackedCandNoPuppi
git cms-merge-topic ikrav:egm_id_80X_v2
git cms-merge-topic ikrav:egm_id_80X_v3_photons
git cms-merge-topic -u mverzett:DeepFlavour-from-CMSSW_8_0_21
mkdir RecoBTag/DeepFlavour/data/
cd RecoBTag/DeepFlavour/data/
wget http://home.fnal.gov/~verzetti//DeepFlavour/training/DeepFlavourNoSL.json
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
git clone https://github.com/cmkuo/HiggsAnalysis.git
git clone -b V08_00_26_07 https://github.com/cmkuo/ggAnalysis.git

scram b -j 10

To work with CMSSW_8_0_26_patch1 and V08_00_26_01, you do :

cd CMSSW_8_0_26_patch1/src
setenv CMSSW_GIT_REFERENCE /cvmfs/cms.cern.ch/cmssw.git.daily
git cms-init
git remote add btv-cmssw https://github.com/cms-btv-pog/cmssw.git
git fetch --tags btv-cmssw
git cms-merge-topic -u cms-btv-pog:BoostedDoubleSVTaggerV4-WithWeightFiles-v1_from-CMSSW_8_0_21
git cms-merge-topic rafaellopesdesa:EgammaAnalysis80_EGMSmearer_Moriond17_23Jan
cd EgammaAnalysis/ElectronTools/data
git clone git@github.com:ECALELFS/ScalesSmearings.git
cd ../../../
git cms-merge-topic cms-met:METRecipe_8020 -u
git cms-merge-topic cms-met:METRecipe_80X_part2 -u
git cms-merge-topic Sam-Harper:HEEPV70VID_8010_ReducedCheckout
git cms-merge-topic Sam-Harper:PackedCandNoPuppi
git cms-merge-topic ikrav:egm_id_80X_v2
git cms-merge-topic ikrav:egm_id_80X_v3_photons
git clone https://github.com/cmkuo/HiggsAnalysis.git
git clone -b V08_00_26_01 https://github.com/cmkuo/ggAnalysis.git

scram b -j 10

To work with CMSSW_7_6_3_patch2, you do:

cd CMSSW_7_6_3_patch2/src
git cms-merge-topic -u matteosan1:smearer_76X
git clone https://github.com/cmkuo/HiggsAnalysis.git
git clone -b V07_06_03_01 https://github.com/cmkuo/ggAnalysis.git
scram b -j 10

The above code stores the decision in 64 integer. Each bit represents a decision
for ELECRON ID: 5 IDs (Veto, Loose, Medium, Tight and HEEP) so only 5 bits are imp for us (59 bits of this integer we are not using so may be we can change that to 16 bit integer later)
Representing that integer in 5 bits: b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
b0: Veto; b1: Loose; b2: Medium; b3: Tight and b4: HEEP
To access the decision for
(a) veto: eleIDbit[]>>0&1 ---> gives 0 or 1. if 0--> this eID is failed. if 1--> this eID is passed
(b) Loose: eleIDbit[]>>1&1
(c) Medium: eleIDbit[]>>2&1
(d) Tight: eleIDbit[]>>3&1
(e) HEEP: eleIDbit[]>>4&1

for photons it is done the same way: it has 3 IDs
so 3 bits represent the decision
Representing that integer in 3 bits: b2 b1 b0
b0: Loose; b1: Medium; b2: Tight
To access the decision for
(a) Loose: phoIDbit[]>>0&1 ---> gives 0 or 1. if 0--> this phoID is failed. if 1--> this phoID is passed
(b) Medium: phoIDbit[]>>1&1
(c) Tight: phoIDbit[]>>2&1

to access the MC status flag with GEN particles
(a) fromHardProcessFinalState : mcStatusFlag[]>>0&1 ---> gives 0 (no) or 1 (yes).
(b) isPromptFinalState : mcStatusFlag[]>>1&1 ---> gives 0 (no) or 1 (yes).
(c) fromHardProcessBeforeFSR : mcStatusFlag[]>>2&1 ---> gives 0 (no) or 1 (yes).