Firmware for the CMS Global Trigger (uGT).
This repository contains the algorithm part of the CMS uGT firmware. It has been written for the Imperial MP7, a Virtex-7 based AMC module.
Documentaion of uGT firmware.
The uGT is versioned with the following scheme:
- Major version: Changes in firmware structure, changes that require significant interventions at P5.
- Minor version: New features for trigger decisions.
- Rev version: Bug fixes, change/add scripts.
In addition there are versions (with similar schemes) for the following firmware parts of uGT:
- Framework (frame.vhd)
- Global Trigger Logic (gtl_module.vhd)
- Final Decision Logic (fdl_module.vhd)
Following software tool versions used to create L1Menu and menu depended VHDL files:
utm | TME | VHDL Producer |
0.13.0 | 0.17.1 | 2.20.1 |
Following dependencies exist for uGT firmware:
Repo | Tag |
MP7 | v3.2.2_Vivado2021+_ugt_v4 |
IPBB | dev/2023a |
IPB_FW | v1.4 |
First make sure to checkout the branch or tag to work with.
git clone
cd mp7_ugt_legacy
git checkout <branch/tag>
If not already done create a Python virtual environment and install all required dependencies including IPBB and lxml.
python3 -m venv env
. env/bin/activate
pip install -U pip
pip install -r scripts/requirements.txt
A template file for setting up the required environment variables is available Copy this file to e.g.
, edit the values for the variables and source the
Example for
## Simulation (Questasim)
export MODELSIM_ROOT=/opt/mentor
export MODELSIM_PATH=${MODELSIM_ROOT}/questasim/bin
export MTI_VCO_MODE=64
export MGLS_LICENSE_FILE=1234@license.server
export UGT_GITLAB_USER_NAME=hbergaue
export UGT_QUESTASIMLIBS_DIR=/opt/mentor
export UGT_BLK_MEM_GEN_VERSION_SIM=blk_mem_gen_v8_4_5
## Synthesis (Vivado)
export VIVADO_BASE_DIR=/opt/xilinx/Vivado
export UGT_VIVADO_VERSION=2021.2
export UGT_BLK_MEM_GEN_VERSION_SYNTH=blk_mem_gen_v8_4_5
Simulation of VHDL module gtl_fdl_wrapper.vhd
with Questa simulator for 6 ugt modules.
- This is a description running script in ugt-fwtools with ugt-simulate for simulation.
- If Questasim libraries for a certain Vivado version do not exist, they have to be created for the selected Questasim version with script ugt-fwtools with ugt-compile-simlib:
ugt-compile-simlib \
--vivado <vivado_version (e.g. 2021.2)> \
--questasim <path to Questasim (e.g. /opt/mentor/10.7c/questasim)> \
--output <output directory for generated libraries>
Following table shows which Questasim libraries for a certain Vivado version have been created and tested (version of IP 'blk_mem_gen' in libraries is relevant for Global Trigger logic):
Vivado | blk_mem_gen | 10.7c | 2021.1_2 |
2019.2 | v8.4.4 | ok | X |
2020.2 | v8.4.4 | X | ok |
2021.1 | v8.4.4 | X | ok |
2021.2 | v8.4.5 | X | ok |
Be sure that setup of environment is done (see chapter above).
Run simulation using Questa.
- MIF files (for mass over deltaR) are located in
for simulation.
Running script in ugt-fwtools with ugt-simulate.
Note: inspect for default values and other arguments
cd ../ugt-fwtools
python3 -m venv env
. env/bin/activate
ugt-simulate <xml_file> --tv <testvector_file> --ugttag <ugt tag or branch> [--mp7_repo_tag <MP7 repo tag - default is v3.2.2_Vivado2021+_ugt_v4>] [--ignored]
ugt-simulate \
--tv \
- FW versions greater or equal 0x1150 are used with 2loose muon shower bit (MUS2).
- FW versions greater or equal 0x1130 are used for uGMT v6.1.0 and unpacker (with bug fix for shifted raw eta).
- FW versions greater or equal 0x1120 and lower 0x1130 are used for uGMT v6.0.0_patch1 and unpacker (with bug: shifted raw eta).
The firmware uses the ipbb build tool, and requires the ipbus system firmware. If you are going to build on a computer outside of the CERN network, then you will need to run kerberos (kinit username@CERN.CH). These instructions assume that you have your Xilinx Vivado licensing already setup for your enviroment.
The ugt repo mp7 ugt_legacy is a fork of svn2git ugt repo.
- added ugt_strategy.tcl for ugt specific strategy and inserted it into top.dep.
- added add_l1menu_blkmem_files.tcl for adding L1Menu VHDL files and inserted it into top.dep.
Following scripts are available in ugt_fwtools for firmware sythesis, checking used FPGA resources and packing firmware files:
- script for IPBB synthesis (all 6 mp7_ugt modules).
- script for checking used FPGA resources.
- script for packing firmware files in a tar file.
The MP7 firmware needs to be adapted for Global Trigger firmware.
A script makes this changes in the following MP7 files:
Additionally this script inserts L1A (port l1a) to mp7_payload.vhd.
This script is part of simulation and synthesis workflows (ugt-simulate, ugt-synthesize).
Make sure to setup your local bash environment (see above).
Run kerberos for outside of CERN network.
kinit <username>@CERN.CH
Run synthesis script (for all 6 modules).
Note: inspect default values for arguments using
cd ../ugt-fwtools
python3 -m venv env
. env/bin/activate
ugt-synthesize <xml_file> --ugt <ugt tag or branch> --mp7tag <MP7 repo tag - default is v3.2.2_Vivado2021+_ugt_v4> --build <build_version> -p <working_dir>
ugt-synthesize \
--ugt v1.26.0 \
--build 0x118f \
-p ~/work_synth/production
After all syntheses have finished, check results:
ugt-checksynth <path of build_xxxx.cfg>
If timing errors occur (and bit files is not generated), check timing errors in file:
<project path>/proj/module_<nr>/module_<nr>/module_<nr>.runs/impl_1/top_timing_summary_postroute_physopted.rpt
Afterwards execute the following command for every module with timing errors to generate bit file:
vivado -mode batch -source <path to scripts/vivado_write_bitstream.tcl> -tclargs <project path> <module id>
After successfully created bit files, execute the following command to create tar file for HW:
ugt-fwpacker <path of build_xxxx.cfg>
Run kerberos for outside of CERN network
kinit <username>@CERN.CH
If not already done create a Python virtual environment and install all required dependencies including IPBB and lxml.
python3 -m venv env
. env/bin/activate
pip install -U pip
pip install -r scripts/requirements.txt
Create a local working area
ipbb init <working_area_path>
cd <working_area_path>
ipbb add git -b v1.4
ipbb add git -b mp7fw_v3_0_0_mp7_ugt
ipbb add git -b <branch/tag>
Copy VHDL producer output and patched files to mp7_ugt (gtl_module.vhd
, gtl_pkg.vhd
, algo_mapping_rop.vhd
and gt_mp7_top_pkg.vhd
Source Vivado
Create project
ipbb proj create vivado module_<module_id> mp7:../mp7_ugt_legacy
cd proj/module_<module_id>
ipbb vivado make-project --single
Run implementation, synthesis
ipbb vivado synth
ipbb vivado impl
Generate a bitfile
ipbb vivado package
Bernhard Arnold []
Herbert Bergauer (Developer) []
Manfred Jeitler []