- 4
Migrate master from Geant4 11.2.1 to 11.2.2
#9294 opened by civanch - 4
Migrate DD4hep external library to v1-29
#9254 opened by civanch - 8
new cms-data RecoTracker-LSTCore repository is needed
#9202 opened by slava77 - 5
Update the ROOT v6.30 patch
#9160 opened by anigamova - 6
Migrate master from Geant4 11.1.2 to 11.2.1
#9085 opened by civanch - 5
Use rootcling instead of genreflex
#8983 opened by smuzaffar - 13
Add celeritas as an external package
#8867 opened by whokion - 1
Update the VecGeom version to 1.2.6
#8863 opened by whokion - 4
Update of datafiles for Geant4 11.2
#8879 opened by civanch - 2
Update valgrind?
#8826 opened by makortel - 7
enable backtrace in gcc12
#8784 opened by VinInn - 15
Install latest Rucio client
#8739 opened by ericvaandering - 5
Backport bug fix for Geant4 11.1
#8783 opened by hahnjo - 1
New version of CLHEP
#8747 opened by civanch - 14
CMSSW vs. Rucio Client vs. CRABClient
#8737 opened by belforte - 4
- 6
Thread-safe HDF5 compiler option
#8569 opened by Dr15Jones - 4
Using Sherpa with C++20 on gcc
#8584 opened by Dr15Jones - 5
CUDA RT IB fails to build `onnxruntime` pkg
#8571 opened by aandvalenzuela - 2
setup of DBS_CLIENT via CRAB broken in CMSSW 12 +
#8566 opened by belforte - 8
question about py2/py3
#8570 opened by belforte - 1
cmsdist changes needed to avoid use of cmsplatf
#7571 opened by smuzaffar - 4
Please upgrade frontier_client to 2.10.2
#8549 opened by cvuosalo - 5
Add C++ interface to HDF5 build
#8530 opened by Dr15Jones - 7
Procedure for cms-data backports
#8337 opened by kpedro88 - 5
Boost 1.80/ROOT Modules IBs issue
#8202 opened by smuzaffar - 7
#8197 opened by smuzaffar - 11
Request to make a special build to test Geant4 11.1.ref04
#8503 opened by civanch - 5
Please upgrade frontier_client to 2.10.1
#8446 opened by cvuosalo - 7
Update UTM to 0.11.0
#8343 opened by epalencia - 10
New optimized HF shower library for Run-3
#8288 opened by civanch - 2
Update zstd to latest version 1.5.2
#8220 opened by smuzaffar - 5
Migration to CLHEP
#8209 opened by civanch - 2
Migration of G4VECGEOM branch to VecGeom 1.2.1
#8210 opened by civanch - 4
mcfm in cmssw distribution
#8112 opened by smuzaffar - 1
Migration VecGeom to the new version 1.1.20
#7734 opened by civanch - 15
Missing libnvidia-ml issue for ppc64le
#8110 opened by smuzaffar - 4
Install pacparser python module
#8098 opened by DrDaveD - 10
Is py-xrootdpyfs still needed?
#7521 opened by iarspider - 1
Add xrootd recorder plugin
#7826 opened by smuzaffar - 4
Rucio and Python3
#7861 opened by nhoerman - 5
Test "materialBudgetTrackerPlots" has errors
#7720 opened by perrotta - 9
dasgoclint failed due to to parse X509 proxy
#7701 opened by smuzaffar - 3
Use case-insensitive comparision for checking dependencies of python packages
#7534 opened by iarspider - 2
Update ONNXRuntime to version v1.10.0
#7694 opened by smuzaffar - 3
update cryptograohy
#7548 opened by smuzaffar - 6
Cleanup unused/obsolete files from default branch
#7559 opened by smuzaffar - 4
Is py3-theanets still needed?
#7517 opened by iarspider - 2
Update UTM to 0.10.0 for Displaced Jet bit at L1T
#7542 opened by rekovic - 6
Need Rucio update to 1.27 on both lxplus7 and lxplus8
#7530 opened by ericvaandering