
Basic Algorithms and Data Structures implemented with C#, and it has a simple UI.

Primary LanguageC#

AlgorithmGo C#数据结构与算法

General / 概览

C#实现的一些基本的数据结构与算法,并使用简单的交互界面展示内容。以后会将Leetcode上的题目逐步实现,并添加进来。 Basic Algorithms and Data Structures implemented with C#. With a simple UI to control.


  1. Download this repo by clicking the "Download Zip of the Repo.."
  2. Run the AlgorithmGo.sln
  3. Debug by pressing F5 in Microsoft Visual Studio, recommend VS-2015 Community

File Structure

###Classes ####classes ###Interfaces ####interfaces ###Resources ####pics ###Windows ####each window