
Discord Bot for playing games of Roulette!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Alt text


  • Basic Knowledge of setting up/running a bot on a Node.js Server.
  • NOTE: This bot requires Node 6.x.x or above otherwise it WILL NOT WORK or unexpected results will occur due to this bot relying on things that are present in ES6.
  • Bot Token from Discord
  • Discord Sever - Set Up with dedicated Roulette Channels for both Voice/Text (The bot uses Text To Speech to say the winning number, so both are REQUIRED).

Instructions for Installation!

  1. Download the Bot
  2. Navigate to your file in terminal/cmd
  3. Run the command npm install
  4. Edit the config.js file to your own preferences -- THIS IS A MUST DO, READ FILE AND MAKE SURE ALL FIELDS COMPLETE.
  5. Run the command node main.js
  6. The console should output:
Authenticated using token YOUR_TOKEN_HERE
Using gateway wss://gateway.discord.gg/?v=6
Connecting to gateway wss://gateway.discord.gg/?v=6&encoding=json
Connection to gateway opened
Identifying as new session
Sending heartbeat
History Decrypted & Loaded
Players Decrypted & Loaded
Heartbeat acknowledged
  1. Success! Check your directory there should be some newly created files that are encrypted versions & text versions of the user data, it is not possible to edit the .csv files to "cheat".

Available Commands

  1. $play - This will initiate and start the game
  2. $account - Shows the users data
  3. $help - Lists out all the commands & the minimum & maximum bets
  4. $b type/amount - Betting command, there is a few parameters here to place a bet.
  • $b red/1000 - This is to place $1000 on Red. (Red/Black).
  • $b 10/1000 - This is the command to place $1000 on Number 10 (0-36).
  • $b 1st/1000 - To place a bet in one of the thirds 1st/2nd/3rd are the compatible ones.
  • $b top/1000 - To place a bet in one of the rows top/mid/bot are the compatible ones.
  • $b even/1000 - To place an even/odd bet use this.
  • $b 1-18/1000 - To place a bet in one of the halves, 1-18/19-36 are the compatible commands.
  • $b 10/1000,red/1000 - Multiple Bets can be placed in 1 command using , to separate the different bets.
  1. $symbol - To change a users symbols use this command followed by a single character
  • $symbol ® - To change your symbol to ® example.
  1. $history - This displays the data from the server & an associated graph with the number of times a number has landed.
  2. $board - Prints out the board for reference & ability to see which bets are currently placed, once a game has commenced this command is disabled to avoid multiple boards and clutter.
  3. $loan - This is a feature that can be configured in config.js to allow when and how much a loan is worth.

Image Examples

Alt text Stores Historical Data of the previous spins Alt text Graph of each number and its number of occurrences. Alt text Stores User Data and other tracking elements.


The source code is licensed under the MIT License.

Copyright © 2017 dannyiss.

See LICENSE for full license.