Notes on the workflow to translate talk transcript to Chinese semi-automatically

  1. Go to and choose 'translate document (.docx or .pptx)' and upload the English transcript
  • select translate to simplified Chinese >> wait for less than 1 minute
  • the translated transcript will automatically download to your computer.
  1. The free version of deepL translator generates the translated document with headers and is locked from editing for Word in Windows. A simple solution is to upload to translated article to Google Drive and open it there. Then you can copy and paste its content for further editing.
  2. Replace all Bible tranlations with the ones on e.g Bible Gateway. A good tranlsation is RCU17SS (Revised Chinese Union Version Simplified Chinese)
  3. The translator is usually quite good, but here are some known issues that you can use replace all:
  • Chinese translation of names, especially those in the Bible
  • common abbreviations used by speaker:
    • OT (加时赛 should be 旧约)
    • NT (新台币 should be 新约)
    • NC (should be 新天新地)
  1. If there is time, read through the English transcript quickly then the Chinese and spot any issues.

The whole process for a 20 min. talk should take less than an hour once you are getting used to it.

Helpful links