Primary LanguageC#OtherNOASSERTION


This project provides a restful api for the Collaborative Incident Threat Evaluator.

By default, cite.api is available at localhost:4720, with the swagger page at localhost:4720/api/index.html.

Database Migrations

When the data model is changed, a new database migration must be created. From the Cite.Api directory, run this command to create the new migration: dotnet ef migrations add new_migration_name --project ../Cite.Api.Migrations.PostgreSQL/Cite.Api.Migrations.PostgreSQL.csproj


SystemAdmin permission required for: * User admin * Evaluation create/delete

Content Developer permission required for: * ScoringModel create/update/delete * Evaluation update

CanIncrementMove required for: * Evaluation update

CanSubmit permission required for: * Submission update for a team

CanModify permission required for: * Setting SubmissionOption value for a team

Authenticated user has permission to: * Create a Submission