Cross-filter millions (or even billions) of data entries with no interaction delay
Jupyter NotebookBSD-3-Clause
- aausch
- Alex-Monahan
- AppServiceProviderDhaka, Bangladesh
- ayhanfuat
- cabreraalexCarnegie Mellon University
- chriswillisDomo
- declannDCN Consulting
- dersteppenwolf@gkudos
- domoritzCMU, Apple
- edublancasPloomber
- ericjanto@smartdatafoundry
- fly51flyPRIS
- FMCalistoInstitute for Systems and Robotics
- hjhildenHelsinki, Finland
- hoangitk
- jaanliUniversity of Tartu & @onefact
- javitorres
- joaopalmeiroFeedzai
- joshuarrrrrGermany
- JustinGOSSESHouston, TX, USA
- keckeltJohannes Kepler University Linz
- mattf96sPredictive Insights
- Mearman@ExaDev
- oieduardorabeloAuckland - NZ
- PButcherBangor University
- ravisuhagPixxel
- redareadyAix en provence, France <-> Tokyo, Japan
- RThaweewatAIS
- SandalotsVolcanak
- spectraldaniUnited Kingdom
- spren9erCologne, Germany
- tobilgHamburg, Germany
- xnoughtEarth
- zhibor
- ZoeLeBlancThe ☁️