This is an asset reference browser for the game of Riven. The purpose of this application is to easily browse the images and movies from the outstanding game of Riven.

Note: This repository does not, and never will, contain actual Riven assets. To run this browser one must first buy the DVD or CD, and extract the game assets.


For hosting the reference browser:

pip install flask
pip install flask-sqlalchemy
pip install flask-login
pip install flask-wtf
pip3 install Pillow
pip3 install graphviz

Note: The program to make the database ( is written in Python3, but the web application is written in Python2 - you will need to install the first two Python packages into both Pythons (i.e. pip and pip3).

For creating the database:

  1. Install sqlite3.
  2. Install ffmpeg.
  3. Install ImageMagick.
  4. Install graphviz.

Creating the database.

  1. Put the extracted game data in the browser/protected/DVD folder.
  2. Run make. If you don't have make installed then ./ or python3

This takes a while (> 10 minutes on most systems), mostly because the movie transcoding process is CPU intensive. When finished the database ("riven.sqlite") will exist as well as many new images in the protected folder. To delete these newly created images just:

make cleanall

Running the Web Application.

First set the configuration options (see below).

For development purposes run it as so:

make run

Otherwise it an be run using Apache.

Browser Configuration Files

The browser reads its configuration information from two places.

App configuration

The browser first reads it's configuration data from This configuration is then overridden by browser/ The first file is under revision control the second is not. At a minimum set these two keys:


For more information see Flask Configuration.

The single test password is written from instance/password.txt.

Note: This application does not currently support multiple users, and the one hard-coded user "admin" has a hard-coded test password specified above.

Deploying to the server.

make deploy
ssh <server>
sudo apachectl restart