Base framework for running QC checks over multiple knowledge sources. Potential examples include:
- OBO Dashboard
- GO Rules
- Monarch
- KG frameworks
The core components:
- a schema for representing both metrics themselves and the results of evaluating them
- TODO: code for downloading sources and loading them into a database
- TODO: code for executing these metrics on these sources
- TODO: lightweight view layer to generate an HTML grid summary
Browse the schema here:
See the schema/ folder
The source is in YAML (biolinkml)
Currently the main derived artefacts of interest are:
The idea is to use blazegraph-runner here.
Assume each source is trivially convertable to RDF
Assumption that a number of generic mechanisms can be used:
- OWL: Reasoning
- Shapes/ShEx
- JSON-Schema validation (requires JSON-LD framing)
- SPARQL (e.g. robot checks)
Additionally, each implementation using this framework is free to add in their own procedural checks, e.g. in Python, although declarative is preferred
The code will generate json/yaml-ld conforming to the schema above
Implementing pipelines e.g Jenkins can choose to do things like fail-fast based on queries of result set
Something simple such as mustache / liquid templates over the above json-ld