This repository contains the source code for the implementations we used to evaluate three deep Q-learning algorithms:
- Deep Q-learning (DQN)
- Double Deep Q-learning (Double DQN or DDQN)
- Dueling DQN
Additionally, the repository hosts the LaTeX source for the various reports we had to produce, and the poster we created to present a summary of our work.
For the algorithm implementations, we leveraged example code from the Tensorpack repository, with minimal modifications to fit our goals and limited compute resources.
- Ryan Chau
- My-Quan Hong
- Nathan Kang
- Chris Munoz
To clone the repository, run the following command:
git clone project
Instructions for installing dependencies and required packages can be found here.
To train a model to play breakout, run the following commands:
cd src
python --env breakout.bin --algo <algorithm>
where <algorithm>
can be DQN
, Double
, Dueling
To evaluate a trained model for 100 episodes, run the following command:
python --env breakout.bin --task eval --load <trained_model> --algo <algorithm>