
An elixir/phoenix micro service for management of promotional codes for issuing free rides on a ride sharing platform.

Primary LanguageElixir


An elixir/phoenix micro service for management of promotional codes for issuing free rides on a ride sharing platform.

Live Demo: https://safepromo.herokuapp.com API DOCS: https://github.com/cmush/promo/blob/master/API.md Oauth2.0 Not Added on master branch

Promo uses the Google Maps API to calculate distances and fetch directions between the specified origin and destination.

Start Promo in MIX_ENV=dev

To start your Phoenix server in development mode, do:

$ MIX_ENV=dev mix deps.get # Install dependencies with `
$ MIX_ENV=dev mix ecto.setup # Create and migrate your database
$ MIX_ENV=dev GMAPS_API_KEY=google-maps-api-key BASE_URL_DIRECTIONS=https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/directions/ mix phx.server # Start "Promo"


  • leaving MIX_ENV=$ENV out defaults mix' operations to dev mode.
  • leaving GMAPS_API_KEY=google-maps-api-key & BASE_URL_DIRECTIONS=https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/directions/ out will cause the HttpClient to behave in an unpredictable manner (crash!).

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser and access the api from localhost:4000/api.

Start Promo in MIX_ENV=prod

Building a vanilla release

$ mix deps.get --only prod
$ MIX_ENV=prod mix compile
$ npm run deploy --prefix assets # build your assets in production mode
$ mix phx.digest # compress and tag your assets for proper caching

Building a distillery release

MIX_ENV=prod mix distillery.release # generate a release for a production environment

If you prefer a less tedious/complete bunch of release commands, use:
$ npm run deploy --prefix assets && MIX_ENV=prod mix do phx.digest, release --env=prod
NB the above release steps are the gist of containerizing this app (docker).

To run the release: GMAPS_API_KEY=key PORT=4001 _build/prod/rel/promo/bin/promo foreground

:promo prod env variables to be set:

  • Mandatory:
  • BASE_URL_DIRECTIONS=https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/directions/
  • GMAPS_API_KEY=google-maps-api-key
  • DATABASE_URL=postgres://username:password@host:port/prod_db_name
  • Defaults:
  • PORT=4001

For further information about releases and their upgrades, refer to: https://hexdocs.pm/distillery/guides/phoenix_walkthrough.html#take-that-release-anywhere.

Known Issues

  • API Resources are not protected using token authentication yet. As such some endpoints are freely exposed on the open internet that shouldn't.
    To solve this, completion of the (now in progress) Oauth2.0 scheme implementation is recommended.
    In future, Any unauthorized attempt to access these routes will be met with a code 401 & text/plain response body saying Unauthenticated.

  • The original development GMaps API key is contained within the app's commit history (not an issue once reset/changed via the developer console).