- 1
- 2
- 13
- 0
Provide the Installation Doc
#63 opened by aicomsol - 0
- 1
- 11
Error: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
#15 opened by swestrich - 2
Demo code: config is coming back empty
#58 opened by dylanbaxter - 1
Cannot make sense of install process
#57 opened by CygnusBell - 0
Graceful termination of the Decoder
#56 opened by carpteas - 0
continuing #46 that wasnt really closed
#55 opened by ImUrX - 5
npm install fails with node 7.2 and 8.0
#37 opened by 821760408-sp - 1
build/sphinxbase/sb.cpp missing
#54 opened by highvoltage379 - 3
- 1
- 1
The module PocketSphinx.node was compiled against a different Node.js version using NODE_MODULE_VERSION 48
#52 opened by 3id0 - 2
does not contain acoustic
#50 opened by Messilimeng - 4
error install
#49 opened by Messilimeng - 7
Can't install node-pocketsphinx with node 7.10.0
#46 opened by cjay567 - 2
install error
#48 opened by Messilimeng - 2
install error
#47 opened by Messilimeng - 1
NPM install fail using nodejs 8.0
#45 opened by TuxSeb - 1
- 1
How can I disable INFO output
#43 opened by xavicolomer - 1
module.js:471 throw err;
#42 opened by dnyaneshwar1991 - 8
Install fails also with node 6.10
#41 opened by nielsnl68 - 5
- 3
Assertion `val->IsUint8Array()' failed.
#40 opened by dennisblokland - 2
npm install fails with "no matching function for call to 'ngram_model_write'" and "no known conversion from 'int' to 'ngram_file_type_t'"
#39 opened by hagitarowe - 7
Error while installing Pocketsphinx in nodejs
#38 opened by kate008 - 1
- 18
Arabic model returns only silence
#34 opened by ahmedalbakiri - 1
#35 opened by pyxiscloud - 1
How I run on node v6.2.2 with npm 3.10.6?
#33 opened by bberaldi - 4
- 2
Using Mic on Raspberry PI
#30 opened by imomin - 1
Reduce Sample Rate of a video
#29 opened by Anuradhad - 2
Error with npm install on Intel Edison
#28 opened by ShwethaSwaminathan - 2
How to use Decoder.nbest ?
#27 opened by se-m - 6
Installation Fails on Raspberry Pi2 / Pi3
#26 opened by punitganshani - 1
npm install fails on raspberry pi 2
#25 opened by jmadan - 2
Raspberry Pi : unrecognized option -javascript
#23 opened by burf2000 - 9
npm install is failing
#17 opened by kksharma1618 - 4
npm install fails on Raspberry Pi
#22 opened by mikehenrty - 1
I couldn't do npm install on windows
#21 opened by tamilvjm - 1
Generate Time Stamps in Logs
#20 opened by ashishbajaj99 - 1
Speaker recognition
#19 opened by sunojvijayan - 7
make: *** No rule to make target '/swig/sphinxbase.i', needed by 'sb.cpp'. Stop.
#18 opened by ashishbajaj99 - 5
npm install pocketsphinx fails
#16 opened by Anuradhad - 1
Install issue
#14 opened by pvantrepote