
An extension for Radiant CMS that lets you serve multiple sites (domains) from a single instance.

Primary LanguageRuby

Multi Site

Created by Sean Cribbs, November 2007. Inspired by the original virtual_domain behavior.

Multi Site allows you to host multiple websites on a single Radiant installation.


This fork has two main benefits: it eliminates all database access from the trip to cache, which I've found to reduce the load on a busy server quite significantly, and it adds a flexible but robust way to scope model classes to the current site. It's just a framework - nothing is scoped by default - but very easy to apply. See under scoped resources below.


Hm. Late beta? This is pretty solid now and quite thoroughly tested.


$ git submodule add git://github.com/spanner/radiant-multi-site-extension.git vendor/extensions/multi_site
$ rake radiant:extensions:multi_site:migrate
$ rake radiant:extensions:multi_site:update

or maybe soon just:

$ rake ray:extension:install name="multi-site" hub="spanner"

who kno?


This ought to be a drop-in replacement for the core multi_site. It differs from the original in that it will create a default site if none exists, but this should happen invisibly.

This version of multi_site does cause failures in radiant's main tests, usually when a site is required but the tests don't supply it. I will probably add a 'lax mode' at some point that doesn't mind if no site is defined.

Scoped resources

If you want to site-scope a model class (let's say you want your photo galleries to be site-specific as well as your pages), all you have to do is add a line to the top of the class:


If you want the option to share some instances between sites (say you want some of your users to be confined to one site but a few admin users to see all of them):

is_site_scoped :shareable => true

The scoping takes effect at the ActiveRecord level - it wraps with_scope round every call to find (actually, to find_every) and a few other methods. If an object is out of site scope it is as though it didn't exist. This usually means your controller and view code hardly need to change at all: they just see fewer objects. You can fine-tune the scoping by specifying the site_scope_condition method in each scoped class.

If a site-scoped class includes any calls to validates_uniqueness_of, those too will be scoped to the site. There's a hack there, though: the validations are defined with the model and saved as procs which causes all sorts of misery when you want to change them. Instead we've alias_chained the validates_uniqueness_of method to apply scope from the start. This has to happen very early in the initialisation procedure, when we don't really have much configuration information, so the uniqueness validation scope is applied to every model with a site_id column. I hope to find a better solution but it does work.

There is, or will soon be, more about this in the wiki and one day I'll get round to posting some proper documentation.


The scoped_admin extension uses this method to confine layouts, snippets and (some) users to sites. It only takes four lines of code and two partials.

We've also shrunk the paperclipped_multi_site extension to a one-liner.

Our reader extension - which handles the mechanics of site membership - is site scoped if this extension is present. It includes a useful fake_site_scope class that drops a warning in the log if site-scoping is not possible but otherwise lets the extension work in a single-site installation.


Is one of the main goals. A couple of our clients are very security-conscious and we needed something in which there was no risk at all of the wrong person seeing a page. This will make more sense when I publish the reader-groups extension), which is next. If you see a loophole we'll be very glad to know of it.

Questions and comments

Would be very welcome. Contact Will on will at spanner.org or drop something into lighthouse. Github messages also fine.

Original multi_site

Each site has its own independent sitemap/page-tree and these attributes:

  • name: Whatever you want to call the site
  • domain: A Ruby regular expression (without the //) to match the request against
  • base_domain: A canonical domain name for doing quicker matches and for generating absolute URLs against
  • homepage_id: The numerical database ID of the root page (usually you can just leave this alone).

Included images are slightly modified from FamFamFam Silk Icons by Mark James: http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/


  1. Unpack/checkout/export the extension into vendor/extensions of your project.

  2. Run the extension migrations.

    $ rake production db:migrate:extensions

  3. Run the extension update task.

    $ rake production radiant:extensions:multi_site:update

  4. Restart your server

Other Extensions

Multi Site allows you to customize routes within your other extensions. To restrict a route to a particular site, pass the site's name into the conditions hash:

map.resources :things, :conditions => { :site => 'My Site' }

You can also scope a route to multiple sites with an array:

map.resources :things, :conditions => { :site => ['My Site', 'Your Site'] }


Thanks to Digital Pulp, Inc. for funding the initial development of this extension as part of the Redken.com project.