This is a django powered website aimed at teaching some of the complexities of our world in as simple and intuitive way as possible
Make sure you have python3, pip and git installed
Run the command line and move to the directory with which you wish to work from:
$ cd path/to/workspace
$ mkdir passionately_curious
(Optional) Create a virtual environment to operate the workspace within:
$ virtualenv PC
(Optional) Activate the virtual environment:
$ source PC/bin/activate
Clone the repository into the workspace:
$ git clone
Install Dependencies:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Make sure you are in the root directory. Then execute the following command to run the server locally:
$ python3 runserver
Open your browser and go to the following url:
All website related work resides in the passionatelycurious folder and has the following layout and purpose:
- migrations - used to record the models of the database (not important)
- static - contains the files of css, javascripts as well as images and other dependencies of the html pages
- templates - contains all the html templates to be generated from the views
- - the standard django settings for the website
- - a list of all urls and the views that they redirect to
- - the backend computation (if necessary) and then generation of the html page
Please follow the standard PEP8 code style