
Build your own RSS Feeds in Notion.

Primary LanguageRustGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



Build your own RSS Feeds in Notion.

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  • Manage your RSS sources in a separate Notion page
  • Enable/disable RSS sources
  • Custom settings proxy request, update interval
  • Automatically set icon and page title
  • Read feed with different views ( unread, read, as table)
  • Remove RSS items from Notion if are older than a given amount of time
  • Web services are updated regularly, and background services
  • Support RssHub browser plug-in add feed


  1. Create a new Notion Integration and copy the secret code which we'll use as --notion-token later.

  2. Duplicate the template to your Notion.

  3. Open the template and click Share > Invite and search the Notion integration you created in Step 1 and Click Invite.

  4. Click on Sources page and do the same actions as in the previous step.

  5. Now you have the api token of notion, start with secret_ a string, it is used for the --notion-token parameter.

    To find the source database ID, open the Source page. You'll get a URL like this: https://www.notion.so/{database_id}?v={view_id}. To find the archive database ID, open the main page of the template. Highlight the table and click on "dots" button and select Open as page option. Copy the database ID from the URL in the same way you did for the source database ID. Example: my source-id: 8a49af585aa844208ee085b3814e1a0d my archive-id: e8f7df1fe33242a88adad7bdd793cd1e

  • The application accepts the source database ID and archive database ID as parameters.
➜  notion-rss --notion-token secret_xxx --source-id 8a49af585aa844208ee085b3814e1a0d --archive-id e8f7df1fe33242a88adad7bdd793cd1e


➜ notion-rss --help
Usage: notion-rss [--notion-token <notion-token>] [--source-id <source-id>] [--archive-id <archive-id>] [-f <file>] [-c <config>] [--proxy <proxy>] [--timeout <timeout>] [--deleted] [--thread <thread>] [--webhook <webhook>] [--api-server <api-server>] [--token <token>] [--daemon] [--cli]


  --notion-token    the notion api token
  --source-id       the source database id
  --archive-id      the archive database id
  -f, --file        add feed from url or file
  -c, --config      read the config from the file
  --proxy           proxy to use for requests
  --timeout         set request timeout.
  --deleted         deleted old archive
  --thread          number of concurrent threads.
  --webhook         send results to webhook server
  --api-server      start a web API service (ex:
  --token           api Router authentication
  --daemon          api background service
  --cli             cli mode
  --help            display usage information


Add feed from file

  • One feed link per line.
➜ cat /home/kali-team/feed.txt | head

➜ notion-rss --notion-token secret_xxx --source-id 8a49af585aa844208ee085b3814e1a0d --archive-id e8f7df1fe33242a88adad7bdd793cd1e --file /home/kali-team/feed.txt
Update succeeded:  [Title:三米前有蕉皮]  [Link:Some("https://blog.kali-team.cn/index.xml")]  [Status:Done] 
Update succeeded:  [Title:exploit-db]  [Link:Some("https://www.exploit-db.com/rss.xml")]  [Status:Done]

Deleted old archive

  • Edit the Deleted properties of the Archive database.
  • Like: dateBetween(now(), prop("Last Update"), "years") >= 3, Filter those released three years ago.
  • empty(prop("ForeignKey")), Filter the Archive of the deleted feed.
  • Re-execute the deletion operation after changing the filter expression.
  • If there are a large number of archives, it is recommended to delete them manually, because the api has a rate limit.
➜  notion-rss --notion-token secret_xxx --source-id 8a49af585aa844208ee085b3814e1a0d --archive-id e8f7df1fe33242a88adad7bdd793cd1e --deleted
Deleted succeeded: Hello World
Deleted succeeded: Debugging

Web Server

  • It is started as a service and will be updated regularly in the background.
  • Update every 4 hours.
  • And you can add feeds through the browser plug-in of RssHub.
  • To prevent CSRF attacks, you need to specify the --token parameter and set a token as a random route.
➜  notion-rss --notion-token secret_xxx --source-id 8a49af585aa844208ee085b3814e1a0d --archive-id e8f7df1fe33242a88adad7bdd793cd1e --api-server --token 21a2b7047d4de8076de462724daf8f8f
Copy the URL to your RssHub browser plug-in configuration
Configure any of the following
[Tiny Tiny RSS, Miniflux, FreshRSS, Nextcloud News, InoReader, FeedBin]
API service has been started:
  • Copy the and fill it in any one of the support list of RssHub.
  • Click the browser plug-in to add a feed.
  • The page will close automatically after 5 seconds.

Specify profile

  • Save the command line configuration in the configuration file, and specify the configuration file path each time.
➜ notion-rss --config /home/kali-team/.config/notion-rss/config.yaml
  • If the configuration is valid, it will be automatically saved to the configuration file.
  notion_token: secret_xxx
  source_id: 8a49af58-5aa8-4420-8ee0-85b3814e1a0d
  archive_id: e8f7df1f-e332-42a8-8ada-d7bdd793cd1e
  proxy: null
  timeout: 15
  thread: 5
  webhook: null
  token: 21a2b7047d4de8076de462724daf8f8f
  daemon: false

Cli Mode

  • Command line mode using the --cli parameter, The default is graphical interface.


docker run --rm -it \
--env NR_NOTION_TOKEN=secret_xxx \
--env NR_SOURCE_ID=8a49af58-5aa8-4420-8ee0-85b3814e1a0d \
--env NR_ARCHIVE_ID=e8f7df1f-e332-42a8-8ada-d7bdd793cd1e \
--env NR_API_SERVER= \
--env NR_TOKEN=2a7b648abbc89a966d2b295f4d7780f4 \
--env NR_DAEMON="true" \
version: '3'

    image: kaliteam/notion-rss:latest
      - "9527:9527"
      NR_HOUR: ${NR_HOUR}