
Spark Streaming / Kudu integration examples

Primary LanguageJava

Spark Streaming and Kudu Integration Sample Code

Programmatic implementations of the Cloudera Envelope traffic sample in Scala, Java and Python.

Tested with: CDH 5.10 (Spark 1.6), Cloudera Kafka 2.1 (Apache 0.10), Kudu 1.2

To run the applications:

  1. Build from the project root directory:

    mvn clean package
  2. Create the target Kudu table using the Envelope traffic example Impala DDL script

  3. Create the Kafka traffic topic (replication and partitions set to 1, for testing):

    /usr/bin/kafka-topics --create --zookeeper curtis-pa-2.vpc.cloudera.com:2181 --replication-factor 1 --topic traffic --partitions 1
  4. Produce simulated data on the topic (replace the kafka broker/port list parameter):

    while true; do echo "`date +%s%N | cut -b1-13`,$((RANDOM % 100))"; sleep 1; done | /usr/bin/kafka-console-producer --broker-list curtis-pa-1:9092 --topic traffic
  5. Run either the Scala, Java or Python Spark Streaming application (replace kafka brokers and kudu masters parameters):

    spark-submit --class com.cloudera.fce.curtis.spark_stream_to_kudu.KafkaToKuduJava target/spark_stream_to_kudu-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar  kafka-broker-1:9092,... kudu-master-1:7051,...
    spark-submit --class com.cloudera.fce.curtis.spark_stream_to_kudu.KafkaToKuduScala target/spark_stream_to_kudu-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar kafka-broker-1:9092,... kudu-master-1:7051,...

    PySpark: after building Scala/Java code in step 1, a kudu-spark_2...jar file should be available, typically under your ~/.m2 path

    spark-submit --jars /var/lib/hadoop-hdfs/.m2/repository/org/apache/kudu/kudu-spark_2.10/1.2.0-cdh5.10.0/kudu-spark_2.10-1.2.0-cdh5.10.0.jar src/main/python/kafka_to_kudu.py kafka-broker-1:9092,... kudu-master-1:7051    ,...
  6. View the results in Kudu from Impala:

    select * from traffic_conditions order by as_of_time;