Primary LanguageJavaScript




This sample project needs a mongo database in order to function. A quick database can be spun up by running the command

docker-compose up -d

provided you have docker installed (see here: https://docs.docker.com/desktop/) Alternatively you can use an existing mongodb instance by providing the connection details as specified in: config\default.json a database viewer will also be deployed on http://localhost:8081/ (the default collection is set to sbcc)

Database Collections

The API and disbursement function will not run without data in the collections In order to populate the database please run

npm run bootstrap

Running the API

The API can be started by running

npm run start

you can visit the API at /api/disbursments/:merchantId?date=/ or /api/disbursments?date=

Task Runner

The task runner can be deployed on a server by running the task-runner\task.js script on a node server Alternatively, on local you can start a server using

npm run start-task-runner

The task runner is scheduled to run every Monday at midnight. In order to directly trigger the disbursment function simply run

npm run disburse