Unit / Behaviour test tools
Create your AppKernel:
use Webit\Tests\Behaviour\Bundle\Kernel as BaseKernel;
class AppKernel extends BaseKernel
public function registerBundles()
return array(
new Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\FrameworkBundle(),
new My\BrandNewBundle();
); // array of your Bundles
Create your FeatureContext and register the Kernel:
use Webit\Tests\Behaviour\Bundle\BundleConfigurationContext;
class FeatureContext extends BundleConfigurationContext
public function __construct()
parent::__construct(new AppKernel());
Scenario example:
Feature: MyBrandNewBundle configuration feature
In order to set up MyBrandNew library with Symfony Application
As a developer
I need Bundle Configuration / Extension
Given the configuration contains:
secret: "my-secret-hash"
my_brand_new: ~
Scenario: Basic configuration
When I bootstrap the application
Then there should be following services defined:
my_service_one, my_service_two, my_service_three
And there should be following aliases defined:
| service | alias |
| my_service.default_service | my_service.service |
And all given services should be reachable
Create as many scenarios as you need (for different configuration options). Feel free to add any other checks (steps) into your Context.