Gas Optimization


The goal of this exercise is to optimize contracts for minimal gas usage. This assignment contains 3 tasks in form of gas optimization examples. For each task your goal is to reduce the gas usage as much as possible


  • Optimize each contract in contracts/ directory by making changes in the same file

What each contract does?

  • Example1
    • Stores certain variables such as day, amount and ownerAddr
  • Example2
    • Stores a state variable counter. Function incrementBy takes in an array and adds each element of this array to counter variable
  • Example3
    • Stores a state variable marginPercentage. Function getOwnerMargin takes in an amount and returns respective amounts for owner and sender


  • Create a fork of this repo

  • Create a new branch with your name. You can use the following command

    git checkout -b my-name
  • Install all dependencies

    npm install
  • Make changes to contracts in this directory - contract/. The tests in test/ directory should run successfully.

  • Run Tests

    npm test
  • Create a pull request from your forked repo to main branch of original repo to run the github workflow.