
๐Ÿ›๐Ÿฃ๐ŸŽ› Recommended Hugo starter site for open source foundations

Primary LanguageHTML

โš ๏ธ This kit is ARCHIVED

For an alternative, see cncf/dot-org-hugo-theme.

The Foundation Starter Kit

Are you starting a new OSS foundation under the Linux Foundation or Cloud Native Computing Foundation? Or even under a different organizational umbrella? This repo provides a starter kit that enables you to get up and running quickly on building a site.

Getting started

In order to use this kit, you'll need to have the following installed:

  • The Yarn dependency management tool. Installation instructions are here.
  • The Hugo static site generator. Installation instructions are here; make sure to install the "extended" version.

Once you have those tools installed, clone the repo and cd into the directory:

git clone https://github.com/cncf/foundation-starter-kit
cd foundation-starter-kit

Install the necessary assets:

make setup

Now you can run the site locally:

make serve

Open your browser to http://localhost:1313 and you'll see a generic version of the site.



There's a wide variety of variables that you can update in the site config.

Parameter Description
params.colors The site's basic color palette
params.font_awesome_version The version of Font Awesome used for the site's icons
params.description A short, pithy description of your foundation
params.copyright Copyright text for the foundation
params.github_repo The GitHub repo associated with the foundation (if any)
params.info Various bits of informational text for the site's front page
params.explanation More informational text for the site's front page
params.fonts The font used for the site. Must be available via Google Fonts.
menu.main Text and links for the main menu of the site (displayed in the site's navbar)


You can specify the member organizationsโ€”for-profit companies, non-profit orgs, etc.โ€”in data/members.yaml. You can specify a URL for the member org as well as filename for the org's image. That image needs to be added to the static/img/logos/members directory.

Example: https://foundation-starter-kit.netlify.com/members


Update the foundation's "About" page in content/about.md.


You can create news articles by adding Markdown files to the content/news directory. Each news article must have the following metadata:

  • title
  • author
  • date (in YYYY-MM-DD form)
  • layout (must be set to news-item)