Contribute CESTA Anthology Entry

Each CESTA Anthology project entry will be in its own repository. You will copy the template from CESTA-Online, create the entry in your own Github account, generate a preview in Github Pages, and submit it for review. CESTA-Online uses Quarto. Follow the instructions below to set-up your local environment to run Quarto.

Install prerequisites

  • Github Account
  • Git
  • Python 3.6 or later

    For Mac, use Homebrew to install both Git and Python if you don't have them installed already.

  • Quarto
  • VS Code
    • GitHub should be configured in VS Code to manage the repository easily
    • Quarto extension can be install in VS Code to preview and render the website

Copy the template to a Github repository

  • Make a copy of the template to your GitHub account
    • The template can be copied by clicking on the Use this template button in the repository
    • Provide a name for the repository and click on Create repository from template.
    • The repository name should be in the format anthology-{project-name}-{quarter}-{year}. For example, anthology-know-systemic-racism-spring-2023.
    • Keep the repository public.
    • Copy the repository link to your clipboard.

Set up a virtual environment on your local machine

  • Using VS Code, clone the copied repository to your local machine
  • Open the cloned repository in VS Code
  • Setup the virtual environment using python -m venv .venv
  • Activate the virtual environment using source .venv/bin/activate (Mac & Linux) or .\.venv\Scripts\Activate (Windows)
  • Install the required packages using pip install -r requirements.txt

Build your project site

  • Preview the template using quarto preview
  • Add content to the template following the guidelines. Any changes you make will appear immediately in a browser window via Quarto preview.
  • See Quarto documentation for details about adding interactive content to your site
  • Running quarto preview will create the website files in the public folder. You can use Github Pages to host the website in your Github account and share the link internally for review. The website link will be in the format https://{github-username}{repository-name}/public.

How to submit your article for review

  • Once your article is ready for submission, write an email to with the following information:
    • Subject: Anthology Submission: {Project Name}
    • Body:
      • Your article link hosted in Github Pages
      • Your Github Username
  • The CESTA team will review your submission. If approved, an empty repository will be created in the CESTA Github organization and you will be added as a collaborator.
  • Run quarto render to generate the article web files in the public folder of your current repository.
  • You can then push your article files inside the public folder of your current repository to the new repository provided by CESTA. You can follow the steps below to push the files to the new repository.
    • Create a new directory in your local machine outside the current active repository. This new directory will be used to push the contents of the public folder to the new repository in Github.
    • Copy the contents of the public folder to the new directory
      • The new directory should have index.html and other files and folders from the public folder in the root
    • Open the new directory in VS Code
    • Use terminal in VS Code to push the contents to the new repository
      • Initialize the repository using git init
      • Set the default branch to main using git checkout -b main
      • Add the files to the repository using git add .
      • Commit the changes using git commit -m "Initial commit"
      • Add the remote repository using git remote add origin <repository-url>. This repository url is the one provided by CESTA.
      • Push the changes to the remote repository using git push -u origin main
  • Once the files are pushed to the new repository, the CESTA team will review the submission and publish the article on the CESTA website.

Important Notes

  • If you are adding a new library to the project, make sure to update the requirements.txt file