
Development & Test Environment for NodeJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Development & Test Environment for NodeJS git clone https://github.com/cneacsu/cnTestJS.git

  1. Stage all the files you changed git add .
  2. Commit your changes locally git commit -m “added new feature”
  3. Push your work to Github git push
  4. Verify list of changes git status SPFx: optional development environment

npm install -g npm npm install -g source-map-explorer nodetree http-server nodemon typescript npm list -g --dept=0 nvm list nvm ls-remote --lts nvm install v4.7.2 nvm install v6.9.4 nvm use v4

nvm list available nvm install 6.9.4 nvm use 6.9.4 node -v npm outdated -g npm install -g yo npm install -g @microsoft/generator-sharepoint yo @microsoft/sharepoint //yo @microsoft/sharepoint --skip-install npm install //DefinitelyTyped.org npm install --save-dev @types/jquery npm install -g gulp gulp --tasks

npm install --global nsp nsp check npm init --yes npm install