:link: C++17 network / graph visualization library - Qt6 / QML node editor.
- 3
NodeStyle changes do not propagate to templates
#226 opened by petrmanek - 1
qt_wrap_cpp called with incorrect number of arguments
#229 opened by M8te0r - 1
CMake configuration fails with Qt 6.8.0
#255 opened by petrmanek - 1
- 0
- 6
- 8
:construction: Generating an automatic Graph layout
#228 opened by emmenlau - 2
- 0
Misc topology issues in qan::Graph
#241 opened by cneben - 2
:construction: Why not use a Flickable as a Navigable (in order to have a bounding box behavior for the canvas)
#232 opened by emmenlau - 0
Apply clang-format and qmlformat?
#235 opened by emmenlau - 0
- 0
- 2
- 0
- 2
QuickContainers cmake deprecation warning
#221 opened by petrmanek - 2
Linking error with v2.4.0 and Qt6
#220 opened by petrmanek - 2
Opacity issue in Qan.GraphView
#176 opened by topper7 - 5
- 1
Discarded mouse events on resized node
#189 opened by dimosthenismitropoulos - 0
Qt6 MultiEffect support + optimization
#218 opened by cneben - 3
- 1
Draft table/array support
#190 opened by cneben - 4
EdgeStyle for custom Edge subclass is ignored
#211 opened by petrmanek - 4
Unique selection (and forbid multiple selection)
#183 opened by arabine - 0
- 0
Discussion for 2.3.0
#171 opened by cneben - 2
- 0
GraphPreview navigation.
#181 opened by cneben - 1
visual connector
#210 opened by kundezui - 5
Connector UI bug during repeated selection
#204 opened by petrmanek - 4
Feature request: edge control point offsets/anchors
#203 opened by petrmanek - 1
Error when building
#205 opened by GrimPixel - 0
Create `RightResizer`, `BottomResizer`
#169 opened by cneben - 0
Add support for edge selection
#167 opened by cneben - 10
Integration with CXXGraph Library
#151 opened by ZigRazor - 6
Build fails with Qt 6.4 and MSVC
#175 opened by petrmanek - 3
problem in Qan.EdgeStyle.Curved
#166 opened - 2
- 5
Assertion failure when removing a node
#170 opened by petrmanek - 6
Way to obtain destination port of `qan::Connector`?
#164 opened by petrmanek - 7
Build fails with Qt 6.3 and clang
#159 opened by petrmanek - 2
Use shaders on drawing gridline
#147 opened by SC-One - 0
- 0
WARNING: Failure to find: /home/hilton/github/QuickQanava/src/qanContainerAdapter.h
#155 opened by hgftitanium - 0
How to disable drag and zoom
#154 opened by chaomi1998 - 0
- 1
Visual connector position issue
#145 opened by hussainkadori - 0
use in widget
#150 opened by mbr1376 - 0
Add support for moving qan::EdgeItem
#141 opened by cneben