
A Python 2/3 client for the Binance REST and WebSocket APIs

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A Python 2/3 client for the Binance REST and WebSocket APIs https://www.binance.com/restapipub.html

python-binance-api return an object that parsed from json for each method, set return_json=True get the original API response.


pip install python-binance-api


  • requests
  • simplejson
  • six
  • websocket-client
  • Events

Getting started

from binance.client import BinanceRESTAPI, BinanceWebSocketAPI

rest_client = BinanceRESTAPI(api_key, secret_key)
ws_client = BinanceWebSocketAPI(api_key)



server time


# return json


depth = rest_client.depth("BNBBTC")

# total voulme

# best bid price

# best ask price

aggregate trades


agg_trades = rest_client.aggregate_trades("BNBBTC")

for agg_trade in agg_trades:
    print agg_trade.id, agg_trade.price, agg_trade.qty


rest_client.klines("BNBBTC", "1w")

klines = rest_client.klines(symbol="BNBBTC", interval="1w")

for kline in klines:
    print kline.open_time, kline.close_time, kline.high, kline.volume

24hr ticker price change statistics

pre_day = rest_client.statistics_24hr("BNBBTC")

print pre_day.price_change_percent, pre_day.high_price

latest price for all symbols.

prices = rest_client.all_prices()

for price in prices:
    print price.symbol, price.price

best price/qty on the order book for all symbols.

tickers = rest_client.all_book_tickers()

for ticker in tickers:
    print ticker.symbol, ticker.bid.price, ticker.bid.qty

send in a new order

order = rest_client.new_order("SNMBTC", "SELL", "LIMIT", "GTC", 1, '1')

# order id
print order.id

test new order creation

rest_client.new_order_test(symbol="SNMBTC", side="SELL", type="LIMIT", time_in_force="GTC", quantity=1, price=1)

check an order's status.

order = rest_client.query_order(symbol="SNMBTC", order_id=order.id, orig_client_order_id=order.client_order_id)

print order.status, order.type

cancel an active order

order = rest_client.cancel_order("SNMBTC", order.id, order.client_order_id)

print order.id

get all open orders on a symbol

orders = rest_client.current_open_orders("SNMBTC")

for order in orders:
    print order.id, order.status, order.side

get all account orders; active, canceled, or filled

orders = rest_client.all_orders(symbol="SNMBTC")

for order in orders:
    print order.id, order.status, order.side

get current account information

account = rest_client.account()

# balance information
for balance in account.balances:
    print balance.asset, balance.free, balance.locked

get trades for a specific account and symbol

trades = rest_client.my_trades("BNBBTC")

for trade in trades:
    print trade.id, trade.price, trade.qty

submit a withdraw request

withdraw = rest_client.withdraw(asset="BNB", address="address", amount=0.1, name="test")

print withdraw.success

fetch deposit history

deposit_history = rest_client.deposit_history()

for deposit in deposit_history:
    print deposit.asset, deposit.amount, deposit.insert_time, deposit.status

fetch withdraw history

withdraw_history = rest_client.withdraw_history()

for withdraw in withdraw_history:
    print withdraw.asset, withdraw.address, withdraw.amount, withdraw.apply_time, withdraw.status

start a new user data stream

stream = rest_client.start_user_data_stream()

print stream.listen_key

PING a user data stream to prevent a time out


close out a user data stream


WebSocket for depth

from binance.models import DepthCache

# keep a depth cache
depth_cache = DepthCache(rest_client.depth("BNBBTC"))

def on_update(delta):
    for bid in depth_cache.bids:
        print bid.price, bid.qty
ws_client.depth("BNBBTC", callback=on_update)

WebSocket for kline

def on_print(kline):
    print kline.event_time, kline.open, kline.high, kline.is_final

ws_client.kline("ETHBTC", "1m", callback=on_print)

WebSocket for trades

def on_print(trade):
    print trade.symbol, trade.price, trade.qty

ws_client.aggregate_trade("ETHBTC", callback=on_print)

WebSocket for user data

from binance.models import OutBoundAccountInfoEvent, ExecutionReportEvent

def on_print(data):
    if data.event_type == OutBoundAccountInfoEvent.EVENT_TYPE:
        for balance in data.balances:
            print balance.asset, balance.free, balance.locked
    elif data.event_type == ExecutionReportEvent.EVENT_TYPE:
        print data.symbol, data.side, data.price, data.original_quantity
# return json also available for WebSocket
def on_print(data):
    print data["e"]
ws_client.user_data_keepalive(callback=on_print, return_json=True)